Actually - I'd never heard of this mod before either - It's like the Thanks button enhanced. I like they way it looks on this forum - in fact I just googled "helpfulanswers.php" before finding this thread - Looks quite nice. Jacquii.
We liked it so much ourselves we even decided to turn it into the primary source of reputation. Now it's a click of an AJAX button to get your rep, rather than the old system.
And you may be wondering why you still see the reputation scale in the postbit... Well, I haven't got around to removing permissions for the use of the rep system.
"Finding a post helpful" will be the equivalent to giving the post author reputation. Rep power, points and the pips will all still be in play. You just won't have to use the default reputation interface. The one thing that you're losing is the ability to add a comment when reputing.
If what Nick said didn't clear it up for you, all I meant is that this mod will be used in the place of the reputation system. Everything else will appear the same except now to give someone positive or negative rep you'd click the appropriate button. You won't be able to comment your rep, like Nick mentioned.
I noticed these this morning when I took a look around. I like the + n' - better than the thumbs up and down that came with the package. The other ones were too plastic like for my taste.
I just wish the ones we have now were blue to match the rest of the skin. Even though the green/red is supposed to represent positive/negative respectively, I think it looks a bit out of place considering we don't have much color anywhere else on the forum (AIM icons and the What's Going On area for now).
Okay, we've finally got this fixed. Marking a post as helpful will award the poster reputation. Now we're just working on removing the debugging code that appears when you rate a post.
On one of my forum I've been using the Thanks mod and the Groan mod, plus I altered a copy of the Thanks mod to become the Laugh mod. If anything my members have been asking for more... they want a Hug button and an Applause button now.
My members have asked for that a couple of times. They asked for just about every button you can think of a 'shut up' button, 'laugh' button etc. I didn't even get them used to me adding extra buttons like that I suspect it would turn into a never ending thing. I tell them that 'Thanks' is a positive acknowledgment whether it's you agree with post, found it funny, or what ever. Due to the fact that we want to accentuate the positive rather than be a hot bed for hate like a lot of the other DJ forums, I've opted not to install the Groan hack but have left negative rep enabled. I think in all the time the forum has been going I've only seen 2 or 3 people with red pips, and they really deserved it. :devil:
I was looking at that mod yesterday, like the look of it Does anyone use without the rep system as we have that disabled