Hi Experts! I have a site with phpmydirectory which must be finished but I do not know how and have very little time. Is there somebody here who knows his way round this script? Let me know! - Bit playing with tables - Adding companies If there is somebody who makes icons, let me know too, ok?
It needs to be finished, but I do not have any time at this moment. Most important is to make (or import) categories and add a huge of amount of companies in them. Ofcourse I can deliver it in the correct file. To say it simply, to make it work.
Well, you have to have people who want to add their companies to your directory. You cant just go around adding people . But yeah its not that hard. If you need some help lemme know and I can point you right direction. Though, sounds like you have it installed and working, you just need it configured
Here it is allowed to do that. As long as the data is not used for spam etc. I will contact you by pm