Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by Lil Bit, Dec 29, 2005.

  1. Lil Bit

    Lil Bit Regular Member

    Hey guys!!!! Hope everyone is doing good and had a great Christmas! Best wishes for everyone in the new year! I missed y'all sosososososososo much!! Hopefully now that my home computer is up and running, thanks to yours truly, I should be on a little more often. I still cannot get on at work, but in the evenings between the kiddies, dinner, laundry and all the other housework I will be dropping in to check up on all of you.

    I really have missed ALL of you A TON!!!! :huggg: all around!
  2. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Welcome back, Stranger.
  3. Nightwolf04

    Nightwolf04 Regular Member

    welcome back lil bit. Unfortunetly I'm not going to be around as much as I've said before lil bit, but I will be around to check sometimes. Like now for instance
  4. Moose

    Moose Regular Member

    We're glad your back! Hope you had a merry Christmas and have a happy and healthy 2006. :toothy10:
  5. Lil Bit

    Lil Bit Regular Member

    Thanks guys! Night? Why won't you be around much? How are things with the shifty friends? How you dooin moose? Hey Irish how is it over there in Ireland? Find you a good ole Irish woman to make you a happy man?
  6. Guest

    Guest Guest

    I'm not telling!
  7. Moose

    Moose Regular Member

    I'm doing good, BA is well and we're happy you're back! :toothy9:
  8. Nightwolf04

    Nightwolf04 Regular Member

    Just some things that I need to take care of lil bit, plus sometimes I need to take a brake from the site...it gets me wound up and it isn't good for me.

    I'll be on now and again ...probably posting a few things.
  9. Damm

    Damm Regular Member

    Hey! Welcome back.

    I'm in the same boat as Nightwolf...only checking in now and again - like now, because I'm trying to find something to do while I finish drinking my glass of milk.

    But HELLO! Happy New Year! I hope everything is good with you and your kiddies.
  10. Pyxidragon

    Pyxidragon Regular Member

    Welcome back, 'Bit
  11. Lil'Jeffery34

    Lil'Jeffery34 Regular Member

    All bow down to the tongue showing turtle Bit!!!!!!!!! Great to have you back.
  12. Lil Bit

    Lil Bit Regular Member

    It's good to see you too! I love it when men bow at my feet, so wonderful! :D

    My New Year sucked, Had a sick kid and stayed home allllll night long. Had no one to kiss :( since everyone was off at a party. I should be used to getting left out though. I am planning my own birthday this year and I think I am going off to the lake, ALONE! I can't wait, atleast there will be no one there to, bitch, grip, complain, moan, groan, yell, brag, feed, or bathe(except for me). I need a vacation. Maybe I will consider taking one person, who knows.
  13. Rascal

    Rascal Regular Member

    come vacation in canada :)
  14. Guest

    Guest Guest

    And when I return home, Rascal and I can show you a good time in Toronto. Or perhaps I can be the chaperon! LOL Don't come until the Spring; Canadian winters are murder.
  15. Lil Bit

    Lil Bit Regular Member

    It would be in the summer. I think any season there would be hell for me. What's your highest temp, like 60? We have 75 here in the middle of "winter". We have two types of seasonal temperatures, HOT and REALLY HOT.
  16. Lil'Jeffery34

    Lil'Jeffery34 Regular Member

    We have two seasonal temps out here Siberian bizzard and Frostbite.
  17. Rascal

    Rascal Regular Member

    lol, it's been an unseasonably warm winter here...been over 0 (32 for you) pretty much all winter. i want cold!
  18. Moose

    Moose Regular Member

    New York's been warm too. The high today was like 48F. It was colder in the Fall. I want it a little colder as well.

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