
Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by Guest, Feb 16, 2008.

  1. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Hello All...My name is Chez, I am 46 and live in the UK. It's great to be here and I am looking forward to getting to know you.:thicon_dancing:
  2. bozodog

    bozodog Regular Member

    Hi chez! Welcome. Where in the UK? My darling husband, SB (sweet brit) is from Manchester.
  3. southernlady

    southernlady Regular Member

    :rainbowwelcome: to the group, Chez, glad you joined. I'm Liz and the supposed leader of this motley crew. Altho they do a really good job of leading themselves.

    I'm 53, and live here in the states in North Carolina. I have 5 feline furchildren. And my husband and I are empty nesters. Anything else, just ask.

    Glad to have you aboard. Liz
  4. mrsheat

    mrsheat Regular Member

    Welcome Chez...

    I'm Kelly, have more fur children then I need to count... 2 biped children and one dh. We live in Tennessee.
  5. Reddie

    Reddie Regular Member

    :welcome1: Chez! Glad to have you join us. I live in New Jersey with my husband of 21 years and our daughter, 20, and also our dog, Maxwell.

    Hope you join us in the daily board or anywhere else on the forum!
  6. DaveMo

    DaveMo Regular Member

    Hi Chez, welcome to the forum. Enjoy!

    Dave :bluesbrothers2xq:
  7. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Thank you all for your warm welcome :)
    Hi Bozodog..I'm from Kent :)
  8. Reddie

    Reddie Regular Member

    We have another member from Kent. She doesn't post that much as she just started a full-time job.
  9. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Hi Chez and welcome to the Gazebo! Great place, even better people.

    I'm another Liz ....live in W. Michigan with Hubby, two kids in College and Sandy the dog. My life currently exists to shovel snow :Coopwink:

    Hope to hear more from you, jump right in!

  10. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Hi Chez :)

    What part of Kent?

    I spent most of one summer down there when at college. TBH, I always liked the Lake District more, but it is pretty countryside with lots of history.
  11. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Hi Chris
    I live in Dover, it's nice and handy for a trip over to france..lol
    We get some beautifull sunsets and sunrises. The castle is well worth a visit, and I enjoyed the tour of the wartime tunnels.
    We have a regatta (usually the second week in august) with a euro market, lots of boat racing, barbeque's on the beach, and dog lifesaving displays.
    Chez :)
  12. Guest

    Guest Guest

    ooh, spent lots of time there.

    EXCELLENT fish restaurants.

    I wasn't impressed by the castle compared to say Edinburugh, but then that is .....

    The quick hop to France is good, cheap booze/cheese etc....

    Is Tony's still going or The castle?
  13. Guest

    Guest Guest

    just to add Chez, they were the place to get the best/freshest fish'n'chips when I was down there, but that is a number of years ago....

    Think Tony's was on London Road. the other on Castle st/Rd or summat?
  14. Guest

    Guest Guest

    you have a pm btw Chez....
  15. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Hi Chris
    mmm brie, camambert, yummy...cheap booze, yep...lol.....two great minds think alike...lol
    I'm not sure which one is Tony's, there are a couple along London road, I'll have to have a look when I go past next, there is a chippy up the top end of London road going towards the Crabble corn mill, not sure which one that is though. The one in Castle street is still there, that is my favourite, his fish is gorgeous.
    I got your pm hun...sent you one back yesterday :)
  16. bozodog

    bozodog Regular Member

    Now you've gone and done it. SB will be wanting fish and chips twice a week now. Other than our Lake Perch, he says Yankie F&Cs are bad.. He'd rather have me make it at home and that means cleaning the fryer *again... Yuk!
  17. Reddie

    Reddie Regular Member

    I am getting very hungry reading these posts! lol
  18. mrsheat

    mrsheat Regular Member

    I would love to have some good fish and chips... there is not anything remotely tasty in this area....

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