
Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by mrsheat, Feb 9, 2006.

  1. mrsheat

    mrsheat Regular Member


    Thanks for inviting me over here....

    For those I don't already know here..... and that number seems to be huge... dang Liz... you've made more friends! I've known Liz and some of the other ladies for sometime now... don't make me figure it out... all that math makes my head hurt... and its way to late to think anyway.

    My name is Kelly, I am married to a wonderful man.... for nearly 20 years now.... we have two dd's 16 and 12....

    The last couple of years have been very stressful.... dh was a police officer who was injured in the line of duty... to the point where he can no longer work in that field.... it took us two long years of fighting the system to finally get him the pension he deserved... causing us to come with in minutes of loosing our home... thank heavens we were able to keep it together...

    The whole thing was very rough on our family... the 16 year old has just recently come off her antidepressent meds.... not something any family should ever have to face.... we are very proud of her and how hard she has had to work to get through a tough time. ( dh had to be away, working 250 miles from home making this whole ordeal much worse for everyone).

    But we are all back together, dh received his pension, along with 2 years back pay.... Yes VISA your check really is in the mail!

    I work full time for a fire alarm contractor, dh works full time now at pawn shop, and is a full time student thanks to the states vocational rehabilitation program.

    We are the proud owners of a house thats too small, has a blue roof compliments of the Army Corp of Engineers and hurricane Wilma, a very large freezer that we are afraid to fill for fear of another hurricane wiping it out again, 2 times this year was enough, a screen porch still missing its door, and a pile of yard equipment and other such useless crap that normally fits inside a small shed all piled up on the slab that used to hold a shed. Lets not go into the missing kitchen, the half done tile and one lonely overused bathroom.

    3 dogs, 1 cat, 1 guinea pig... and about 4 hundred dust bunnies....

    You name its probably been my bad luck to have it, find it, loose it....

    We are all very thankfully healthy, and that says a lot in my book.

    Well I've either bored you to tears... have you rofl.... or thinking I'm some kind of nut case... either way... here I am....

  2. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Hi Kelly! and Glad to meet you (although you've been here longer than I have!)

    Wow, you sure have an active life with the teenagers, house repair (may I suggest Handyman's forums, great place!) getting Hubby back on track and dustbunnies! And myself living in a "crazyhouse", too, you had me not bored, but roflling! :meparto:

    So happy that things are looking up for your family, especially for your Daughter, Hubby and finances. My kids have just graduated "the terrible twos I call teenagerhood"--and it IS a temporary phase (kinda....) and when they start to drive you nuts, rant away, young lady, you have open ears and open arms here! Hope to hear a lot more from you.

    Welcome from another nutcase!

  3. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Welcome to the forum Kelly. We are very glad to have you.
  4. southernlady

    southernlady Regular Member

    Well it's about danged time you poked your nose back in the door, girl!

    Ladies, I've known Kelly for so long I can't even remember how long now. And we've talked each other thru some tough times. I THINK her 16 yo was 10 when we first met? As for her youngest, if you want to know what she is like, there is a movie called "Sweet Home Alabama" where there is this young actress called Dakota Fanning is in the beginning, that's Kelly's youngest all over.

    But Kelly is a writer of sorts too, she just is one of a different sort. Her book will be more along Erma Bombeck's style once it get's written. But we have to edit all her emails over the years first to protect the guilty.

    Now that I've told on her, :welcome: Kelly. Liz
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 6, 2014
  5. Guest

    Guest Guest

    welcome! :)
  6. Reddie

    Reddie Regular Member

    Hey, Kelly, glad to see you finally made it in here! This is a wonderful place Liz has created. I'm so glad to hear the family is doing so well. Keep it up!

  7. mrsheat

    mrsheat Regular Member

    Thanks for the warm welcome ladies... and as to the editing to protect the guilty... Liz... your just worried you would be one of the guilty... and as to the little one.... lets just say when she was little... her favorite word was not the common NO but ...... OH MAAAAAAAAAAAAANNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN

    Which never meant anything good....LOL

    And to be honest... Liz is right about her and Dakota Fanning... but if you have ever seen the movie Miss Congeniality.... in the very beginning the main carracter punches a little boy in the eye... THAT is MY girl....

    Not kidding, she gave her first black eye at the ripe old age of 15 mnths
  8. southernlady

    southernlady Regular Member

    :frustrated: Don't mention
    around dh! Or he will ask you about AAA! :censored: :meparto:

    I swear, that has got to be the FUNNIEST chapter in that part of your book. And yes, I'll admit to being one of the guilty.

    Ok, the story behind that episode of OH MAAAAAAAAAAAAANNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN! She sent her youngest out to her van with the keys with clear instuctions NOT to put the keys down on the car seat while out there. She was with us, her dh was still in FL about 6 states away...we were vacationing at the shore in NJ that summer.

    Anyway, thru the window we heard OH MAAAAAAAAAAAAANNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN! Kelly almost had a cow knowing it meant NOTHING good. Thank goodness for US having AAA and telling them it was OUR van or we might still have been there three days later when her dh got back. Liz

  9. bozodog

    bozodog Regular Member

    Oohh Maaaannn! ROTFL!

    Welcome Kelly, and thank your DH for his service to our communities. Everyone always seem to forget the "other" folks in uniform... Our Police and Firefighters.
  10. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Welcome Mrsheat

    Glad you are here with us and enjoy the board. We have fun around here :lmao:. See ya around.

    jase :flowers:
  11. DaveMo

    DaveMo Regular Member

    Some people are really slow to respond......oh, that's me.

    Welcome to SG, Kelly! I hope you'll enjoy your stay, well, I'm sure you will!

    I was trying to figure out the username before I read anything to see if I guessed correctly. Was it Mr. Sheat, or maybe Mrs. Heat? I guessed the later and read your intro.

    Thanks to your dh and his service. We forget too often about our heroes! Congrats to your dd and that milestone. I hope that you continue to give us good reports of good repairs done to your place.

    It is very nice to meet you!

    Dave :024:
  12. mrsheat

    mrsheat Regular Member

    I hope they are good repairs.. most likely, complaints about insurance, and contractors...LOL

    And thank you all from dh... hes a good guy... for the most part...LOL
  13. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Well would you look what the cat dragged in??? KELLY!!!!


    Glad you finally made it in here, girl! :hug:

    Kelly, when you have a chance, you really must tell everyone about the golf cart incident....
  14. southernlady

    southernlady Regular Member

    I still have photo PROOF of that one. Liz
  15. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Welcome Kelly.
  16. Guest

    Guest Guest

    :friendly: Ok, Kelly, spill it about the golf cart incident! :friendly:

  17. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Yeah I want to hear about the golf cart incident too, funny stories, I love.

    jase :flowers:
  18. mrsheat

    mrsheat Regular Member

    :5eek: Why is it I always find the time to do these things late at night.... when I don't have my wits about me....

    The golf cart hmmmmm let me see if I can remember.... I believe it involved my dd and liz's dh... and a very large oak tree....

    Okay if memory serves......

    We were visiting with Liz and her dh at her Dad's house, there were several people there and lots of kids. So Daddy (that would be Liz's Dad, not my dh)
    Decided that the kids would have a great time driving his golf cart around the nice big driveway.... with a grown up in the passanger seat of course... Charles being the ... let see whats the word..... Oh yeah... SUCKER that he is volunteered... well to hear him tell it he was horn swaggled.... so he was riding around for sometime with many diffrent children all of whom were having the time of their lives.... my dd was the oldest... and was nearly the last to get a chance to drive... now picture the adult thinking oh good an older child... a break.... bahahahahahahahahaha...... just wait...

    Liz hits the gas peddle rockets foward, shreeks in fear, and stops... then starts this horriblly wicked laugh, and takes off again.. now she makes it half way around the drive way... and not in a straight line.... finally starts to straigten the wheel... but doesn't aim herself back towards the center of the drive way... instead... and while laughing an evil maniacal laugh....she is just seconds and mere inches from hitting a very large oak tree.... when she jerks to a stop... with all the screams of the adults and other children.... Charles all but falls out of the golf cart clutching his chest and nearly falls to the ground in laughter.... :5eek:

    Now I do remember someone hit a car..... with the golf cart...but darn if I remember whos car, or which kid did it... but my money is on DD.... LOL

  19. southernlady

    southernlady Regular Member

    The Liz in the story is HER Liz not me. Liz
  20. Guest

    Guest Guest

    OMG, too funny. That's hilarious, thanks for sharing.

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