rstones12, can you post an intro giving us a little of your life? like where you live and what your interests are? Carol
I'll give you a snippet...he's a friend of mine that I met on a tech board, he's an ASAP member like I am. He has his own web site altho I've forgotten what the address is. I had it at one point in time but I think I lost it. Liz
Well here is a quick intro: As Liz said, I am a ASAP member, I solve (try) malware issues on computers in my free time as well as my business. I was in the corporate world for many years, now I have ventured out on my own, it has been a tough transition. My interests include golf, baseball and computers. (Not in any order). Not much of an intro, will add more later... :o If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask. If I don't know the answer, I can probably find it... 8) Thanks, rstones12
Thanks, rstones. Just a little bit to let me know what you're interested in. It's nice to know of someone who can help when I have a computer problem. We just had a problem recently where someone hijacked our internet browser! It's fixed now, thank goodness. Scary! Carol
Well here it is. Since I am a huge Rolling Stones fan I used "rstones" and I used the second part for a great song "Jumping Jack Flash" That's it....
Welcome to the forum!!! I've got a newbie introduction if you want to get to know me better. Look forward to chatting with you. Leah