From Squaw Valley, CA. No, not the ski resort. My name is Debra. I found this forum from in the site critique area and had to come check it out. I opened my first forum about 4 months ago. It's for glass and jewelry artists. I thought this would be a great place to get ideas for things like getting more people to post, getting new members, what mods are best to have on a forum like mine etc. This forum looks great and I hope to learn a lot here.
Hello Debra, welcome to AdminAddict. You'll enjoy it here, and more or less, you'll find the information you're expecting. However, I'd like to warn you that there's this mysterious glue that AdminAddict produces and it magically appears to your chair.. They say it's a mixture of Gorilla and Elmer's glue. So if you're wondering why you cannot get up, you've been warned. :rofl: Enjoy yourself.
Thank you for the welcome Tom. And the warning! :lol: I haven't had a chance to read much yet but so far I like what I'm seeing.
Not a problem, enjoy it here. Oh, you're just getting started. When you think you're almost done with unread posts, the number will double. :p That's another warning!
Hi Debra, welcome to the forum. I'm glad you are enjoying the site just far. Just holler if you have any questions and we will be glad to help 'ya.
Thank you all for the welcome. And thank you Nick.... I do have a question already! I like how members can have their myspace, twitter, facebook etc on here. And I think my members would love it too. Is that a Mod I can get somewhere for my forum or is it only for this forum?
Should be able to use it for your site as well. This is the modification they're using here, I think.
No problem. I love answering questions and helping out where I can. Plus, I know Nick is busy with other things. So eliminating work for him is quite pleasant of me.
It is very nice of you to help out. I know I appreciate all the help I get from members in answering questions on my forum when I can't always be there. It may seem like small potatoes to some, but it's an enormous help.
I hope you are! And if you aren't, get used to it. Chris and I are the ultimate thread hi-jackers around here. We always find a way to go off-topic.
Tom, I just installed the mod you linked to. It's not quite the one I wanted, though I think I'll keep it too. This one is the one that sets the digg this, stumble upon, etc links to the bottom of all the posts. I'm hoping to find the one that allows the members to put their twitter, myspace, facebook etc. names and links that show up in the member column on the left. Under the member ID.