
Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by Freddie Mercury, Mar 26, 2009.

  1. Freddie Mercury

    Freddie Mercury Newcomer

    Lets just say I hate doing introductions, but for all purposes I just force myself to like it. Well as you can probably see from my profile I use SMF I'm okay with it missing features that's why the have mods to make up for some of the missing functions that someone may want (Plus I'm in love with SMF 2.0 RC1 just waiting for SMF 2.0 RC2 (New theme hopefully coming out with it.)). I also see that development can be slow (when there are only five or so people working on SMF, you just have to realize that the developers do have there own personal lives to live.) Enough about SMF if I continue it would sound more like love letter then an introduction. I started being an admin sometime around August of 2008 so I'm some what new to hosting sites. One neat thing is I've never taken a class to do website development, but I understand the logic behind the coding (probably because of C++.).
  2. Nick

    Nick Regular Member

    Hi Freddie, welcome to the forum! There is nothing wrong with you preferring SMF as your forum script. It's a great script and used by many. :)

    Enjoy your stay; I hope to see you around :cool:
  3. Crank

    Crank Novice

    Definitely a great script. I have one on SMF, but I will making the change to Vbull just because it is so much easier to maintain.

    Welcome to the board
  4. Freddie Mercury

    Freddie Mercury Newcomer

    Thanks! Yesterday I had fun not really. I had to switch hosts, because the host I had been with installed Squid on the server and was causing problems with SMF installing mods. If I have problems with this host I just may look into hosting myself.

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