Hello, I'm Tom from New York. I found this site on Brandon's profile on TAZ- thought I'd come over and check out the place. Looks pretty good so far. Well, a little about me- I love to run. I run Cross Country for my school. I like to write, party, and meet new people. I have a love-hate relationship for school, but ironically, I'd like to become a teacher someday. I love music of all kinds... I'm [for the most part] religious but I wouldn't say I'm completely there. I'm exorbitantly interested in politics, but am not really an Obama fan, however, again, ironically, I consider myself to be more liberal than conservative. I love Facebook, and if I don't do anything else on the web, I'm there. No, I don't play FarmVille, or any of those other games, but I do play Family Feud. 8-) Anyway, if there's anything else you'd like to know, post here. Cheers- Tom
Welcome to the site new guy. Do not mind the pain enducing blood curling chants of Freshemat. I assure you they do that for everyone. You just have to survive the first day and youll be ok. But dont be skeered. They will get you if your skeered
Haha! Actually, Cerberus, I recognize you from many places. I forget the name of your forum, but if I told you my username from administrator-related boards it'd ring a bell... I think.
Yeah I used to help run many many many forums. So I used to get around alot. What was your other name? Did you have a site?
Yep, I went through many sites! Sold some, gave away others and still have one domain left. What happened with Epic Opinion? On TAZ I am now MisterPersonality [used to be Tomster08]. I also had [still have, if Epic Opinion is still around] an account at your place.
Thanks guys! I see this is the playground for [former] administrators and developers! I see a lot of us here.
Ya there are a few but the majority aren't We have members here that have been with the forum for 10+ years already.
No Epic Opinion is gone with the wind. Never to be seen again sadly. I dont have the database and I dont think she has a copy either. It was on a disk that vanished into the wind. Was one of my biggest regret not making more copies of the DB. But good to see you around again man. I member you now
Wow Brandon, you really lucked up on your purchases. You do your research I see. Cerberus, I am sorry for your loss! It was a great community, very active. IcePhoenix, no, some of us are webmasters. We program, administrate, ban, delete- yeah, we do it all! Where in NY are you?
It's overused I've met to many so called webmaster that just thought they're a big dog when they barely knew what they're talking about..lol
You asked And tbh, the 'webmasters' I'm talking about was one local guy here in Topeka that had a bad bad bad HTML site.. He ruined the word for me.