Hi Monster my husband was stationed in Germany, Ramstein to be exact.........he has pictures that are so gorgeous. I would love to to Germany some day.
Ramstein is not very far from here, about 1 1/2 driving hours. Many people were sad when the US removed their forces from Germany. They had quite a cultural impact! BTW, I don't know if your husband ever was in Karlsruhe. But of the US base there, they apparently made sports facilities of all kinds. At a previous employer's office, I had the view of a huge sports area every day from the balcony when I was smoking, and a colleague once asked me "hey, did you know that that was a US military base once?" :lol:
welcome, GoSmoke! Is/was your husband in the Air Force? I am, and I'm hoping to someday get stationed at Ramstein.
Hi John. He was in the Air Force during the Gulf War. He's been out for some time though. He really liked it. Thank you for your service, it's a noble calling and I admire anyone who does it.
Ramstein is better than Iraq, in any case! Are you still in Iraq? How's the election going? Any news? Is it fun being in the Air Force? What's your job?
I was actually in Afghanistan, but I'm back now, home sweet home! I got back to the states a bit over a month ago. My base was pretty quiet, but it was in the capital city so we got to see some interesting things. I really like being in the Air Force. The Army likes to poke fun at the AF for having nicer housing and generally taking better care of its people, but I don't see anything wrong with that. They've taken great care of me, such that I'll probably stick around for a while. I'm a communications officer, which can mean almost anything. I've done project management for software and hardware implementations, overseen network management, done office administration and paperwork for a high-ranking guy, and now I'm working on some different project management stuff.
Mjohn i have to say you all are just "sexy" as all get out in uniform.... my gentlman friend is a chopper pilot in the Army national guard, he was in Iraq the first time when he was active duty and then his unit got to go over this time around... i am ashamed to say if he had to chose between women or his bird well i am not sure which one would win
Mjohn, i don't take it personally, i just wish the military had not changed the "flight suits" that they have to wear...i LOVED the old style... the new style is ok but i liked the old style better.. but i don't mind having to share him with the other "bird" :nuts:
I think pretty much ANY military uniform is hot hot hot. I have pics of my hubs in his AF uniform and he looked so handsome. He still is, but I do admit some bias in the matter Is there a lot of posting here?
It's been pretty slow around here lately, GoSmoke, but there are a good handful of lurkers just waiting for stuff to talk about. Post a few threads, invite some friends, it'll be great!