
Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by green1706, Aug 22, 2009.

  1. green1706

    green1706 Regular Member

    Hi everybody...new here...glad to meet you all....:)
  2. Monster

    Monster Admin Talk Staff

    Welcome to Alien Soup! :greenguy:

  3. green1706

    green1706 Regular Member

  4. Panache

    Panache Regular Member

    Hello and welcome to the Soup, Green! :shake:
  5. Caron

    Caron Regular Member

    Welcome to the Soup. Looking foward to see some of your posts. =p
  6. green1706

    green1706 Regular Member

    ok, and please help me with online games....thanks....
  7. V4L3NT1NE

    V4L3NT1NE Regular Member

    It's all in the wrist. ;)

    Welcome to the soup.

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