Hello I am BlueSuedeShoes. Call me BSS for short. Darkork kind of referred me here when she posted the link at another forum i am in. I run my own forum, URL Removed, please visit and join. I will tyr be active here along with the many other forums I visit.
Hola, BSS! Nice to meet Ya there! :beer: Don't hestitate to be involved ... anyway Prox will probe You soon
Hey, welcome to the site. We're happy you decided to visit and become an active participant around here... I edited out the URL in your first post, as links to personal sites and asking people to join aren't permitted in general posts (see: terms of use) Just signatures, profile, and www field links. No worries. We're also putting up an online TopLinks system however that you can add your button/site/description and monitor your click traffic so stay tuned for that as well... Again, welcome to the site!