I am Domega and I have been searching for a site like this for some time and I have found it hello everyone
:welcome: If you like this site, wait untill the new version is done, Alien, etal have been working to make this even cooler. BTW - show your soup spirit and join our folding@home team click HERE for details!
Awesome, I get to welcome you aboard the mothership first. :nod: Flattery will get you everywhere (though you'll still have to suffer through the inevitable introductory probe of our resident "Doctor Prox")! We're happy you like what you see, and agree you'll like it even more in just a few more days when we launch our new look! Anyways, it's good to see you've jumped right in and we look forward to reading what you've got to say! Tell a friend!
alien, you might want to review the definitions of "first" and "second" - just for future reference, y'know? welcome domega! you'll definitely like it here, i highly recommend you look around and post all sorts of interesting stuff
to the lonely Well, if this is a little late, it's because the site was down last night when I tried to send in the party troups...... :bloons2: :jig: :adore: :partytime