Thank you very much!! We think so too Why don't you go into the Youbie Newbie forum and formerly introduce yourself there. That forum is the place where new abductees say get welcomed. I'm glad you stopped in! I hope to see you around more
We'll make this your official introduction thread. Welcome aboard, we're pleased to have you take the time to join. We hope that we see you stick around a while, and get aquainted with everyone!
hey hey! you're lucky prox is on a hiatus currently, he's in charge of newbie-probing please look around, feel free to post and start discussions and stuff, we love to talk bug alien or the mods if you need anything! again, welcome
IM BACK . . . and it looks like i got me some work to do. First off I must welcome you to our insanity, I hope you have a good time. Now its time to comence probing. So bend over and dont worry, this will only hurt a lot