Wow... So many options... So little brain!! I guess I shoulda paid more attention in whatever class that was that taught this stuff to me in school. Wait...they didn't teach this stuff in the 80's did they? I guess I'm going to have to randomly pick what I think I want to have in this message! Anyway, have been browsing around for the past few days...decided to say hello, and thank all the posters for entertaining me. And now I've run out of things to say......... I'm off to let you entertain me some more!
Hey, and welcome to our insanity. Glad to hear that we entertain you so much. Hope to see you around.
Huh! This is not a rocket technology! But Prox ... He is really frightfull man! [big red blinking text]BEWARE!!!![/big red blinking text] :rotflmao:
Welcome to our website, we hope you consider sticking around a while. We can always use fresh faces and ideas to contribute to our little community! Let us know should you need anything, mmmmkay?