Alien Master registered over on my board today and I followed the link in his sig to this kick ass establishment. Just thought Id say a quick Hello to you all, :wave: Im gonna go and take a peak around the forum. See ya all around!
Hey c-prOmpt! Welcome to the Soup! I'm glad you stopped over for a visit. I do hope you stay awhile. If you have any questions don't hesitate to ask! :asmile: :toocool:
Hey, glad you decided to join us, we certainly welcome the participation any chance we can get it! Hope you enjoy looking around, give me a hollar if you need anything k? Oh, my never ending orange soda is still going strong! Just thought you might like to know that... I got this huge cup from Universal Studios earlier this year with Marvel superheroes on this cool top it comes with. I rule.
Ah, friendly people. That orange soda? You are a weird, weird individual. :p Im a Mountain Dew man myself. As unoriginal as it is, its a damn fine pop. lol
Hey Dragon! lol naw, I dont visit Bs Board much anymore. The only boards I visit are my own, Vbulletin, and now this one.
Dermo> My mom was sick for a few days so I had to stay in and look after my brothers, therefore spent a lot more time than normal on the net.
I missed this one, had a lot of work. I'm fine dude, just been very busy. Anyways, welcome to the Soup! Welcome to our insanity! *Sorry to the more senior members that coined those phrases .. *