About 15 in the last two weeks...wait that doesn't add up! See this is why I don't study...it frys my brain! You want salt on those fries?
I'm reading a book that takes place close to the Great Dismal Swamp...it's in North Carolina though Go look in Mississippi too, alien. ---------------------------- "No man can be condemed for owning a dog. As long as he has a dog, he has a friend; and the poorer he gets, the better friend he has." - Will Rogers
Or you can come in on stealth through the mountains of West Virginia! Easy pickings! Welcome to the soup, IG. ---------------------------- Does driving a car from Saturn make me an alien?
Hey Liltaz - I live in N.C. - so it can't be too far from where I live. Although the swamp is a big 'un. Erm.. JHowse - you know some of my hubbys' family still lives in W. Va. around the Bluefield area. Yup - I sure picked a refined family to marry into. Why they never miss the ol' spitoon when they're having their "chaw". Kidding!! Born and raised in Michigan - it took them awhile to warm up to a dang Yankee for a daughter in law! *chuckle* They're pretty nice... most of 'em. hee hee... oooh, what say Alien take us for a ride and we can have a beaming party... there's sure a few I'd like to see probed!