Hi, I am Dramaqueen, or DQ for short. I live in sunny Spain after leaving the UK four years ago with my husband and daughter. I love chatting, reading and reading and chatting!! Anyway enough for now, hope to speak to you all soon!! Fay.
Hi Fay and welcome to the Gazebo! Spain? Wow, a beautiful country, lucky you! How old is your Daughter? I'm Liz (or AnotherLiz or A'Liz since there are two Liz's here), live in West Michigan with Hubby, Kate/24 and Aron/22. The kids are attending College but home for the summer and driving me a little wacky, but it's nice having them home till August. I thrive on wacky. :Coopwink: I love to garden and am working on restoring my Antique House, although with the kids in school, the restoration is "on break". Yah, I know, no kids underfoot should merit working on the house, right? but want to keep funds available in case a tuition "loan from the Bank of Mom" is required. Come in and chat, there's always something going on in the Daily Thread and we'd love to hear more from you! AnotherLiz
. Hi Fay and welcome to the Gazebo, I'm the other Liz. :harhar: I use to live in Michigan but moved to North Carolina 5 weeks ago. Wow, Spain...I would love to hear about that country and your living there. What part of the UK did you live in. How old is your daughter? I have two stepdaughters but feel like they are mine... I also have 5 cats but they think they own me. Like A'Liz said, come join us in the Daily Thread...that's where we tend to chat every day. Liz
'ello Fay. My husband and I live in SW Mich. too. About 2 hours south of A'Liz. SB, (sweet brit) moved here from Manchester, UK in Dec. '05. We have 3 doggies, 3 cats and a nice yard full of flowers and veggies. Please hang around and have fun with us.
Welcome Fay! I'm Kelly... mom of two two legged children and 7 four legged children.. 4 feline and 3 canine.... please join us on the daily board... thats where we each greet the day... Kelly
Hiya DQ, nice to see another ex-pat here Oh, I'm SB, Bozodogs other half btw. What part of Spain? My sis moved to Tenerife last year but I think she wants to outdo me on distance away from "home" as they are thinking of moving to Australia now!!!! This is a nice place to talk, debate and on occasions rant so please join in soon.... we don't bite!
Thanks for the warm welcome guys!! Just to answer a coup[le of your questions... My daughter is six years old. We are originally from Leeds and I now live in Almeria, which is in southern mainland Spain. xxx
Hi Fay, welcome to the Gazebo. I'm not another Liz; I'm just Dave. I bite, but not really hard. :harhar: You've joined a great group of people who are understanding, likable, got all kinds of ACCENTS, and great to chat and discuss with. Anyway, I like 'em and I'm sure you will, too. Oh, I'm married to my Hunni of many years, have all kinds of kids (2 grown sons) of all species, and live in Almost Heaven. Enjoy! Dave :y4tsearch:
Welcome to the boards, Fay! It's nice to meet new people, especially to hear about life outside of the US. I live in New Jersey, USA, with my husband of almost 21 years and our daughter, 19. I have 2 stepkids who don't live with us as they're on their own now. My stepdaughter is getting married NEXT week in Las Vegas, Nevada. I can't believe it's next week already! We also have a dog, Max. I hope you enjoy coming in. Visiting the Daily Board is a nice way to start the day. Again, Welcome! Carol
Dave, better explain which state "Almost Heaven " is...remember she isn't an American, LOL. Don't mind him, Fay..he's a little weird. :clapping: Liz
Almost heaven, West Virginia Blue ridge mountains Shenandoah river Life is old there Older than the trees Younger than the mountains Growin' like a breeze Country roads, take me home To the place I belong West Virginia, mountain momma Take me home, country roads All my memories gathered round her Miners lady, stranger to blue water Dark and dusty, painted on the sky Misty taste of moonshine Teardrops in my eye Country roads, take me home To the place I belong West Virginia, mountain momma Take me home, country roads I hear her voice In the mornin' hour she calls me The radio reminds me of my home far away And drivin' down the road I get a feelin' That I should have been home yesterday, yesterday Country roads, take me home To the place I belong West Virginia, mountain momma Take me home, country roads Country roads, take me home To the place I belong West Virginia, mountain momma Take me home, country roads Take me home, now country roads Take me home, now country roads Song by John Denver And I love this place....though.... Thanks. The operative word here is "little". :clapping: Dave:Neeeedsleeep:
I could have said strange! LOL. Fay, one of the state slogans for West Virginia is "Almost Heaven" and Dave makes the most of it, LOL. Liz
Thanks for the translation of Almost Heaven! And thankyou Dave for jotting the song down. I do know the song quite well, but didnt know all the words...until now!!!