Hello there :)

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by jane, Mar 14, 2006.

  1. jane

    jane Regular Member

    I know I am going to say something stupid that I will look back on later and my skin will crawl. haha So I'm not going to say much. So hello, I'm jane :)
  2. Panache

    Panache Regular Member

    Welcome to the soup, jane! :shake: Don't worry if you say something stupid- we're not as sane as you might think, so we wouldn't mind :lol:
    Hope you enjoy it here!
  3. rosebud

    rosebud Regular Member

    Welcome to Alien Soup Jane. Hope to be reading many of your posts.
  4. monsieurjohn

    monsieurjohn Regular Member

    howdy! we all say stupid things on a daily basis, so you'll fit right in!
  5. lobo

    lobo Guest

    Good morning, jane!

    It is so nice to meet You there! :beer:

    We like a monsters made from cookies :nod:
  6. jane

    jane Regular Member

    I completely forgot what it was like to be a noob. haha Now I am remembering.
  7. Dr.G

    Dr.G Regular Member

    Jane! Babycakes Jane! Who'd of thunk we'd meet here? We really need to stop, people will talk. Damn! 9,326 new posts. Got some reading to do.

    Muddfish. :oddgrin:
  8. jane

    jane Regular Member

    :o stop what? what don't i know?? lol
  9. Dr.G

    Dr.G Regular Member

    Whoa! Lemme go! Ya flooting yardfish of tootfagener! Arrgh...the swollowin' yellow-bellies be at a foot of yonder pass. Be sure you hold fast or they swab yer poop-deck with their dinghies! Ya be picking up what I be putting down, young Lassie?
  10. jane

    jane Regular Member

    I do believe so :)
  11. CPOV

    CPOV Regular Member

    /me bursts into tears
    I'm so confused.:no:

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