Hello out there!

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by NerdForum, Oct 23, 2012.

  1. NerdForum

    NerdForum Regular Member

    Hello everyone. I'm the admin over at Nerd Forum, and I've come here to both gain and share knowledge on being a forum admin.
  2. TSUFanatic

    TSUFanatic Regular Member

    Glad to have you here, welcome to AA! If you have any questions, feel free to ask me or AWS anytime!
  3. BullsNet

    BullsNet Regular Member

    welocme to the site :) good to see you!
  4. AWS

    AWS Administrator Admin Talk Staff

    Howdy and welcome to the community.
  5. Shyuan

    Shyuan Regular Member

    Like your avatar :D

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