Hi! My names Brittany, as you can read from my siggy I am sure . I'm married, a mom of three young children, work from home and go to school full time. I live for my two doberman puppies and in the February we are moving from here in Tucson ( I can not stand it here its nothing but dust and heat.) back to my hometown near Ft. Worth.
Hey Brittany, good to have you here! Wow im over here shivering lol and its hot there. Just curious how did you find us?
Thank you, another member referred me here. He and I are co-admins on a forum, and as I am new to the whole thing I asked him for a place to find some experienced people and well here I am. On a side note, yall are making me feel OLD! OMG!
Well thanks, I can already tell I like it here. Its also nice to use XenForo and test drive it some more. Another forum I am a member of has recently switched to it and I love it. Not sure when/if we will switch k9bsl over to it, or the other 4 forums I am trying to create using phpbb and can't figure out lol.
Just to let you know theres no converter for xenForo yet for phpbb so you cant transfer your members/forums/threads. Anyways feel free to advertise your forums here
No, not yet, I am really new at all of this, I have a basic understanding of code and have used wordpress and joomla for a long while, but forum software is really new to me and I am still trying to decide if I can do this myself or if I am going to have to *gulp* pay someone to design my theme/layout. I have this vision in my head of these 4 communities that I am trying to create, bringing it into reality is such a PITA!
Welcome Brittany...don't pay the kids any mind...so far I am one of the oldest and feel like I fell in with a bunch of teens again after doing my time raising mine. I think the average age of the staff is about 16/17. Guess, I'm older than dirt then????? I'm 56.
That's my father's age. For being such a young staff we sure do act older than our age. Which is great.