luke.... i am yo baby daddy.... ok you can play with the dildos, just as long as you dont make those funny swooshing noises.
Cripes all Friday... How in the blue hell did you get 60 billion or whatever your score is? I barely cracked triple digits my first time... I swear...You Asians... I'm gonna beat that damn score, though.
!!!!11 To hell with that game, to hell with math, and to hell with you!@!!!!!!112 <span style="font-size:8pt;line-height:100%">Gonna beat this stupid shit...</span>
it's actually not hard to beat my score, just takes a shitload of time. but yeah go ahead, bitch, try your best.
My strategy must really suck, though. I'm sure there's some kinda trick to it, but damned if I can figure it out. Ugh...Now the blood pressure's goin' and I'm gonna end up sitting here for hours.