Hello, gang

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by Geoff, Feb 21, 2006.

  1. Geoff

    Geoff Regular Member

    Screw you, Taint Lens!! Alright!?!1! I'm special! I deserve to be paid way more than tree dolla.

    I'm gonna find a new photographer, one that's gonna appreciate me for all that I am. Me! Mrs...ah...Mr. Harry Nipples!!!!!%
  2. contho

    contho Regular Member

    you know what i can get for tree dollas? a lot thats what! i can get myself 3 hos and half a gallon of hot cider! you dont think it's enough then go find someone else who is gonna deal with your shinky ass.
  3. Geoff

    Geoff Regular Member

    Go ahead and buy those skanky hos and that cider. Take photos of them, exploit them, touch them in odd places. That's all your good for anyway. Fondling and taking pictures of skanky cider hos.

    I've got so many offers to leave you that it's ridiculous. I'm gonna use my new money to spread the word about how terrible you are.

    DOWN WITH TAINT LENS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
  4. contho

    contho Regular Member

    it's not skanky, it's shinky.

    i'm good for many, many things, and have my hos make money money is just a fraction of what i can do. you aint nothing without me, and dont you forget it.

    leave, i dont care. i already got of www.harrynipples.com all the pics are my and i will start up a new site, w/o you.
  5. Geoff

    Geoff Regular Member

    You're shinky. And your new site's gonna suck. You can keep harrynipples.com going if you want to, but all my fans are gonna follow me to my new site. They'll know it's not me doing those journal entries. And what'll you do about cam shows? HMM!?!!1

    My new site is gonna rule the school. I'm gonna use my real name, a name that's so much better than your suck-ass Harry Nipples name.

    It'll be...JiminyLickit.com!
  6. contho

    contho Regular Member

    actually your new site should be called www.imanoreo.com cuz we all know you are! and dint you know that your nipples along with everything else on that little shinky body of yours is part of the tainted len trademark, go ahead try to start a site cuz i wil just sue your ass off
  7. Geoff

    Geoff Regular Member

    So you're trying to tell me that you own my body? You're saying that you own me? Like...a slave!!?!?!


    I'm counter-suing.
  8. contho

    contho Regular Member

    go play add like math in the arcade, it's fun n i got the 2 top scores.

    but yeah i own you, you are not allow to counter-sue, cuz i will not allow you to, i control you.
  9. Geoff

    Geoff Regular Member

    Whateva, whateva, I do what I want.

    I can't play yet. You need 50 posts to play. [​IMG] Plus I'm not Asian.
  10. contho

    contho Regular Member

    just like 12 more post.

    and do it and i will lock you up in the cage for another week.
  11. Geoff

    Geoff Regular Member

    You don't know me. I do what I want.

    And only pudwacks put beautiful people like me in cages. [​IMG]
  12. contho

    contho Regular Member

    oh it's ON!

    beautiful people named psssssh bush.
  13. Geoff

    Geoff Regular Member

    It's on? IT"S ON!!?// Bring it then! You hear me!! You bring it thennnnnnnn!!!11

    Is that 50 yet? Ehhhhhhhhhhhh. Math sucks anyway.
  14. contho

    contho Regular Member

    you need 10 more post, but dont like them know that you are posting to play games, they dont like that.

    but yeah BRING IT, BITCH!

    oh damn we are like the only ones posting. there's like a million post in this one thread. damn even my thread didnt get this many replies, and i got a vagina!
  15. Nate

    Nate Regular Member

  16. contho

    contho Regular Member

    ::pats monkey on head::

    good boy, ohhh yeahhhhh, mmmmmmm
  17. Geoff

    Geoff Regular Member

    Them eh? Well I ain't scurred uh nobody!!!!


    I guess we are just sorta rambling, but that's nothing new.

    And people want my mangina more than your stupid vagina. You're surprised by that?
  18. contho

    contho Regular Member

    yes, them


    i am not rambling, i am bringing down da hizzle fo' shizzle. flow with me, brotha! ha i forgot you aint black like me so you aint got da rhymes like me. w3rd
  19. Geoff

    Geoff Regular Member


    Don't make me lay down some mind-blowin' lyrics on you. You'll begging me to stop, which is the opposite of what you usually want me to do. [​IMG]
  20. Nate

    Nate Regular Member

    i once rapped for conthy

    it was mad phat yo
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