Hello from Chartbuster!

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by Chartbusterette, Oct 18, 2010.

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  1. rumbolt

    rumbolt Regular Member

    I am going to stop posting on this tread and again welcome Chartbuster to this forum. They are a good company and offer excelent products that i will continue to buy and use in my business. Have a great day everyone!!!!!!
  2. JoeChartreuse

    JoeChartreuse Regular Member

    Rum, you know I like you, and I'm glad you're here- But IMHO, any "KJ" that feels that their business is completely based on a brand is really saying that they have nothing to offer.

    Think of it this way: Anyone can buy a brand of disc. Does that mean that ANYONE is as good as you are? That's all you've got? Seriously?

    Hard to believe. I started on the low budget when I switched to CDs. A bit over 1,000 songs with nothing more than SuperCore, Sweet Georgia Brown, and a couple of Music Maestro, plus crappy equipment. My business not only paid for itself in a year, but by the second year was up around $65,000 a year including parties. At that point there wasn't an SC or CB in the library. How did that happen? I was good at what I do.

    Are you really library dependent, or did you just convince yourelf that was the case?
  3. Guest

    Guest Guest


    Are you going to stop using Chartbuster in protest of their actions now?
  4. rumbolt

    rumbolt Regular Member

    I understand what you are saying but the level of profeddionalism or quality of sound isnt really what i have been trying to convey. It is the branded cdg we "choose" to ues to enhance our business. I am good at what I do as well but some people here just want to kill the messenger on a subject or to trash talk a manu in an attempt to elevate there own shortcoming.
  5. c. staley

    c. staley Regular Member

    All of them. Every single Sound Choice song in our library.

    No, you missed the point, unless your point is if you don't have one certain brand of clothes to wear, you'd never leave your house and if you did, you'd have to walk around naked. There are other brands of clothes you can use.

    What are you (now) trying to pin on myself and Proformance? YOU were the one that said if you didn't have these brands you'd be out of business, I don't recall either of us saying that.

    Apparently, I have more faith in you than you have in yourself.

    However, if you feel that the survival of your business is completely dependent on having these brands, that's your decision and your dependency. Neither myself or Proformance have a business that revolves entirely on someone else's brand of product alone.
  6. rumbolt

    rumbolt Regular Member

    Ok, I'll bite (again), I am going to take this one step further. First I have a lot of faith in myself or I wouldn't be as successful as I am today.

    The only thing I have pinned on you is your distain for SC. What have they done to you to have such a negitive attitude?

    Second, I rely entirely on the manus discs (I use and like the quality of several brands) to be in this business, otherwise I'd have to operate outside of the laws and regulations of the United States (in otherwords, no downloads) and for me there is not debate on this.

    I am dependent on the music on my discs otherwise it would be impossible for me to be in business as would be impossible for an oil change shop to change oil without a supplier.

    Since you deleted all SC from your system, and will no longer us that brand, are you going to sell the discs, I would be intrested.
  7. c. staley

    c. staley Regular Member

    There is a looonng history.... which you (and others) are unaware of.

    This has nothing to do with operating from a computer or actual CD+G discs - it has all to do with your comment that if you didn't have SC & CB (in any form) you couldn't stay in business.

    Of course, except that you believe that you can only remain in business if you have those two brands... i.e. your business is completely dependent on those brands to exist at all. If an oil shop doesn't use Pennzoil brand, they can use Valvoline, Mobil or any other number of brands to remain in business, but without SC & CB you claim you'd be out of business even though there are plenty of alternatives.

    You're a little late on that request so get in line behind Thunder and Skid.... we've already sold all that we're going to sell. Besides, you don't need discs... you have the Gem Series remember?
  8. rumbolt

    rumbolt Regular Member

    Again you have missed my point.

    One more time, without discs I am not in business (assume whatever brand you choose). My business is dependent on discs format (cdgs) just as a oil change shop need oil (you choose a brand)
    I could run my business without CB and SC but to run the quality show I choose to run, I use those brand as well as others.

    Where in all my post have you ever read that I have the GEM Series. I do not have them. You have me confused with someone else on that one :confusedpill:??????????????????????
  9. c. staley

    c. staley Regular Member

    "One more time?"

    How about a convenient (one more time) flip-flop?... because that's NOT what you said before:

    Please pick a story and stick with it, the flip-flops are making me dizzy.

    I never claimed you currently have the gem series, however you "have that option" to get them don't you? Isn't that a better deal than you can get any other way? It comes with handy-cheap financing....
  10. Loneavenger

    Loneavenger Regular Member

    This thread is about Welcoming Chartbuster........
  11. rumbolt

    rumbolt Regular Member

    Again, welcome Chartbuster! Glad that you are on this forum.
  12. Guest

    Guest Guest

    What's the difference then? You are making the argument that: "I am what I buy."

    What if I use streaming content and own nothing?

    You said "without discs" and then "unless"....well, which is it - am I the one in control or are the discs in control?
  13. Sound Choice

    Sound Choice Regular Member

    Thank you Thunder, what IMMEDIATELY comes to mind for some (fair use vs. Commercial use) simply escapes many here - over and over again.

    For those that prefer to shoot from the lip and haven't taken the time to educate themselves or incorporate facts into their postings or simply prefer to throw stuff out and see what sticks, here is a link again:


    What are the laws or rules governing the transfer of CDG song content to a computer?
    We understand the desire to make life easier by shifting all your song content (i.e., not running the original discs) to a computer and running your shows from a laptop. Unfortunately, this format/media shift from CDG to MP3G files on your computer is not an authorized right that is granted to Karaoke producers in their CDG licenses from the publishers, therefore Karaoke producers cannot in turn grant you full rights to make this shift.

    In some countries that have a Rights Society that represents all copyrighted works, the UK and Australia for example, they do have a license granting such a shift. In the UK, it’s called a “Pro-Dub” license and costs approximately USD$320 a year. In Australia, the cost to do this is nearly USD$0.15 per song! In the case of Karaoke, since the Rights Societies do not represent or collect for the Karaoke producers, the Karaoke companies must be paid on top of these fees. However, in the US, such permissions would need to be obtained from each publisher for each song, since there is not an organization that represents all songs for Karaoke.

    In the US, for all intellectual property rights, unless a right is specifically granted by the Copyright or Trademark law, then all other rights are reserved to the rights holder and therefore you must obtain written permission from the various rights holders to be 100% in the clear if you are going to be using or doing something with their property for which you do not have permission. In some circumstances, judicial rulings have declared certain rights to be inherent, such as those that might be granted by “fair use” privileges under US Copyright law.

    However, “FAIR USE” does not extend to COMMERCIAL USE of Intellectual Property. Thus, the ONLY way for a commercial user of the content to avoid potential problems if you wish to do (or have done) a format/media shift is to obtain in advance, written permission or a Covenant Not To Sue from the rights holders to do the shift to another media/format. And that documentation is not likely to be given without some sort of audit to prove 1:1 already and it will also contain clauses outlining under what conditions you must operate so you can continue to avoid being sued.
  14. c. staley

    c. staley Regular Member

    And this extends to and includes "public performance" which your firm has specifically and in writing denied. My attempt at obtaining just such written permission (to be 100% in the clear) was never answered. Yet, your lawsuits include it.

    Been there, tried that, and got no answer. You certainly cannot place any blame on me for trying now can you? How many other KJ's have requested this permission from you and received it? One? None?
  15. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Just more SoundChoice - garbage.

    We don't need your permission to "format shift"

    My right to "format shift" is independent of the manufacturer and is neither yours to grant or curtail without MY contrcatual consent.

    Of course, you already know that - which is why you're here spreading misinformation instaed of getting admonished in court.
  16. Sound Choice

    Sound Choice Regular Member

    Again, a concept that can be broken down into a few words that gets to the root of the issue that some here just don't want to acknowledge. Maybe it's simply for the reason that they want to be contrary.

    I don't know if any here took debate classes or were on a debate team in High School or College, but during competitions, we often had to be prepared to argue (with equal passion and attempted success) both sides of a situation. We knew the topic in advance, but didn't know which side we would be arguing. THE BIG DIFFERENCE THEN (to win) was that we had to have facts to back up either position and if you couldn't make the logical progression from one point to another to support your conclusions, you lost big time points. The judges were not awarding winners based on the final "outcome" of which side was "correct", but on the strength of the research, facts, the logic and whoever argued and built a case based on those factors.

    Ultimately, the "judges" in the case of "Karaoke Manufacturers vs. Pirates" might be (literally) court judges and juries. But it's also very likely that it will never get there because precedence and recent judgments are on the side of the Karaoke Manufacturers or other Intellectual Property Rights holders. And lawyers advising the pirates are inevitably telling them to settle.
  17. Diafel

    Diafel Regular Member

    You seriously believe that?
    I would submit that it's quite the opposite, and that it will never get to court because you know that it very likely will go against you, so you will do all you can to "encourage" a settlement and avoid the inside of the court room...
  18. Sound Choice

    Sound Choice Regular Member

    When did we sue you? Or when did you ask for an audit. You have already openly admitted to going from 7 systems down to 1 AND dumping all your Sound Choice. So what would be the point in doing an audit - so you can waste our time and money? At least when we audited SKid he had discs and songs on his computer to audit.

    Chip, sometimes (strike that) - USUALLY, you make no sense, so there is no point in wasting my time to answer.
  19. Diafel

    Diafel Regular Member

    I am having no trouble comprehending what Chip is saying.
    Perhaps if you took the time to actually READ the posts, and perhaps give yourself some time to digest them, you might have less trouble.
    He is referring to back in 2002(? I believe) when he wrote your company specifically asking permission for public performance, due to what is printed on the discs. He never got even so much as an acknowledgment that his letter had been received and looked at, much less a reply or permission to use your discs publicly in his show.
  20. Thunder Hag

    Thunder Hag Regular Member

    Well surely you guys keep records of those requests right Kurt?

    That seems to be one his biggest issues with your company. Maybe it will settle it down if you honored the request.
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