Hello from Chartbuster!

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by Chartbusterette, Oct 18, 2010.

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  1. possumdog

    possumdog Regular Member

    I think some object to the pirate fight because they see it as companies trying to limit computer use rather than companies trying to get compensation from people who have copied their product without paying for an original. In the case of karaoke, it is the current laws that limit the computer use and the karaoke companies themselves are hampered by it. But from what I have seen they are not unaware of the problem and are trying to come up with alternative products. But you will notice when they do, people will still criticize them for selling something that they can't gaurantee is fully licensed for that format. They will say, we won't come after you but can't gaurantee that the original copyright owner won't. Then they get railed against for being deceptive or sneakily selling an "illegal" product when actually SC at least has been pretty straightforward about the situation.

    Karaoke companies HAVE made their products available for download for private use. But they claim they lack precedent for making them available for commercial use. Some will say that is baloney but I tend to believe them as I don't think they enjoy sitting back and watching Canada and Great Britian grab a big share of their market. .

    I don't think it is the karaoke companies trying to keep us stuck back in time. I think it is the laws that need changing so that we can all move forward.
  2. Diafel

    Diafel Regular Member

    Ans until they actually take someone to court, those laws will never change.
    I don't see it happening any time soon, since that will take away the leverage that SC is currently using to further their new business model.
  3. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Oh I think it will happen soon enough!

    The problem is that even if the "laws" are changed it still doen't stop a pirate from being a pirate, so regardless of what the laws become concerning format and distribution the manus will still have to pursue those that steal from them!
  4. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Some of them very well may have the licensing to do so! Let's give SC CB and PHM a chance to make a change before condeming them for their actions.

    When I go into a new venue I tell them up front it takes a while to build up a show that it doesn't happen overnight at a venue that has never had entertainment before. But 99% of the time within a few weeks the management is happy with the results, what the manus are now doing is massive in scale and it is going to take time to see the results that come from it, people who are running on pirated material are never going to be happy about it (that is a given)!
  5. Guest

    Guest Guest

    It matters not.
    The people filing law suits are the karaoke manufacturers so, all these excuses blaming someone else simply don't compart with reality.

    What they can or cannot do is not my problem. They are the producers and I am the buyer. My job is to shop at the "yes, we can" store. SC and CB do not appear to be in that category.
  6. possumdog

    possumdog Regular Member

    Where is the "Yes We Can" Store located?
  7. Guest

    Guest Guest

    It's on Easy Street.
  8. JoeChartreuse

    JoeChartreuse Regular Member


    Um...there's also a problem caused in terms of future prospective venues for ME. All venues don't last forever, and will need replacing now and then. Sure, I'm manufacturer disc based, but many venues don't care and don't want to hear about it- they just figure of something makes waves for their business, get rid of it, or don't add it to begin with. I don't blame them- I'd do the same thing.
  9. Loneavenger

    Loneavenger Regular Member

    I will have to agree that i don't see Venues who drop Karaoke entirely as being a good thing, although there may be some truth in Thunders statement that the patrons that actually went there for Karaoke could end up frequenting your shows now. But long term...not good
  10. JoeChartreuse

    JoeChartreuse Regular Member

    Thanks for the kind words Debi, but strangely enough - even at 54- I have absolutely no problem, and find no inconvenience in carrying them. IMHO, those who switched to PC SOLELY because they don't want to carry discs should maybe visit a gym and a salad bar once in awhile?...:laughpill:
  11. JoeChartreuse

    JoeChartreuse Regular Member

    Disagree with the above, of course, and it keeps me successful. I offer the best that I can for my customers, including the best music source- even if only 15-20% of folks notice the difference. Discs have been a major selling point in my ads. Besides the higher quality music source, they love the idea that I'm one of the few Karaoke Hosts left in the area that is happy to play their discs, which they practice with at home.

    A GREAT selling point for me..

    Despite the "Luddite" nickname, as an EE I'm on the cutting edge of technology. I have been through cassettes and lyric sheets, moved to laser disc ( boy THAT sucked), and then to discs. When a BETTER music source comes along, I will be there with bells on. As for MP3s.....sometimes the "next big thing"....just isn't.

    Even if I could stand listening to MP3s, this thread is a perfectly terrific reason not to go there...and that's leaving all the lack of QC, software glitches, ripping time, cost of PC and HD replacement and backups over that of a player, etc...etc... out of it.
  12. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Again venue managers in general aren't stupid, if Bennie's Beer Joint was having a successful night with karaoke and dropped it because he was nervous about maybe getting caught up in some sort of legal trouble but Cathy's Cocktails down the street suddenly doubled in business (which is where all of Bennie's patrons went on Tuesday night instead of his place) it won't take him very long to figure out all he needs is a legal karaoke host and he will start checking around to see who is a legit operator.

    Even if Bennie wasn't having karaoke and he watched Cathy's double in business on that particular night, he is going to start looking to see what she is doing and how he can pull some of that business his way!
  13. rumbolt

    rumbolt Regular Member


    Very well stated. There are some here and on other forums that will never be happy with the manus. They continue to split hairs on issues while totally ignoring the facts. The have an ax to grind for whatever reason all the while blaming the manus and never really admitting to owning the manus disc. These actions alone make me wonder if they are supporting the pirate's way of doing business. Simple truth, if you own discs and run your show with your disc or are confirmed 1:1 on your computer, you are legit. If you operate in any other fashion without the confirmation of owning your discs, you are a pirate plain and simple. Throwing stones at the manus and accusing them of things that might or might not have happend has no bearing on your business practices (if I were to follow the complainers logic, In otherwords, two wrongs still don't make it right). Now some here will disagree and that is ok. I am wearing my big boy pants today.
  14. rumbolt

    rumbolt Regular Member

    I have to ask, whose logo product do you use? I am a customer and a supporter of CB and SC. Without their product I could not remain in business today even with all the new techno (which is only a delivery system to the singer). Their "obsolete" format as you call it is the only way you can legally purchase their music.
  15. c. staley

    c. staley Regular Member

    Pulling "some of that business his way" doesn't necessarily mean using karaoke as a way to do it.... there are plenty of alternatives.
  16. Audio One

    Audio One Regular Member

    Debi, welcome to the forum, its great to have you here, sorry I'm late for this one.

    Last week, thanks to Rumbolt, I was honored to have dinner with Debi and her husband Norbert. These are some of the most down to earth people you will ever meet. Even though they have been ripped off for millions of dollars, they are not bitter people. I was amazed at the passion they still have for this business after all these years.

    Thank you Debi for listening to me whine and complain about the biz for two hours. I'm sure I did'nt tell you anything you havent heard before. I guess it just felt good to get it off my chest and to let you know what legitamite KJs were going though. I was a big fan of your product before we met and even a bigger one now.

    keep up the good work,

    Paul Richkus
  17. Chartbusterette

    Chartbusterette Regular Member

    I absolutely would and have and do. When we revise a disc it is for many different reasons. A license term may run out and the publisher will not renew it or we feel as though the sales on that particular song is not worth the publishing rates required. The Writer and/or Publisher decide not to license it any longer, we cannot agree on terms of a new license, the publishing has moved to anothe publisher etc. etc.

    The publishers have pretty much eliminated the companies that did not and would not pay publishing. They watch us very closely now so this industry does not get out of hand again. They watch this industry and what is going on so they can protect their rights and collect on them. And they will and do.

    Very good question and one that needed to be answered.
  18. rumbolt

    rumbolt Regular Member

    I don't mind carring the discs in, the problem I have are the speakers. If I could find a lightweight pirated speaker that i dont have to carry in, I am there :biggrinpill:. People complain about disc but will still load out hundreds of pounds of equipment for sound, that does not compute. But then again, some just a laptop (with pirated music and nerry a disc in sight) a mixer (possibly stolen too!) and a couple of home stereo speakers and all the sudden they are a professional KJ. Making money with little or no investment. All the sudden they might be sued and the begin to blame the industry for their shortcomings and scream real load how it isn't fair.
  19. Chartbusterette

    Chartbusterette Regular Member

    Thanks Kurt! I appreciate the advice and admit that I am new to these boards, therefore I need all the help I can get.
  20. Chartbusterette

    Chartbusterette Regular Member

    Thanks Thunder for spelling that out. You are absolutely right!

    If you do not want to operate your karaoke business legally, get out of the business and find something that takes little or no investment and get into that!
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