Hello from Chartbuster!

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by Chartbusterette, Oct 18, 2010.

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  1. Diafel

    Diafel Regular Member

    Ummm..... Care to show us where he stated that? I thought it was quite the opposite....
  2. Big Joe

    Big Joe Regular Member

    And with that attitude as a starting point, you will continue to deserve the respect, admiration, and cooperation of legit KJ's nationwide. :yespill:Thanks for joining.
  3. Diafel

    Diafel Regular Member

    You post was quite reassuring, Debi. Thank you.
    I do, however have one question that keeps getting asked, but never gets answered.
    Do you intend to "go after" people who have format shifted, even if they are on a 1:1 basis? In other words, people who have all the discs, but copied the songs off of those discs onto a computer and now run their shows from the computer.

    I am not talking multi-riggers who have only one set of discs but run several shows off of them, but straight up one show to one set of discs per hard drive files.

    Thanks in advance for your answer, and welcome aboard!
  4. Guest

    Guest Guest

    How will you establish the credibility of the information you receive given the very cut-throat and vindictive nature of field from which this information is too come?

    You imply in your post that there is counterfiet product out there but, simultaneously commit to pursuing the receivers of that product rather than it's purveyors? Why?

    Without action or constructive notice of the fraudulent sources how will you establish a buyer's knowledge of the product origin to be as authoritative as your own?

    This is the question foremost on everyon'e mind:

    How exactly does one USE a karaoke disc illegally - as distinct and separate from duplicating or copying a disc?

    Does simply using a computer make the KJ a crminial?
    Does using a copy instead of the original make the KJ a criminal?
    Does decryption of the CAVS discs into another format make the KJ a criminal?
    Does keeping the computer and incinerating the discs make the KJ a crminal?

    It is my contention that the KJ has not simply bought a disc - he has in fact bought the right to use it.

    So, I guess my biggest question to both CB and SC is - are either of you really out to affect piracy of the product or are you simply attacking to constrain the way we use it?
  5. Guest

    Guest Guest

    And this was months before Sound Choice even began investigating in Joe's area, and so far they have only sent private letters to KJ violators, they have not yet even filed suits in New Jersey Courts!

    But Joe can tell you much better than I can!
  6. JoeChartreuse

    JoeChartreuse Regular Member

    True, Di. The venues got nervous well before SC actually showed up here..
  7. JoeChartreuse

    JoeChartreuse Regular Member

    First, welcome aboard Debi, and glad that you're here!

    First question from me: SC uses the generation of their logo from a PC generated source as their "hook"- as well as websites where hosts acknowledge their use of PCs as the music source of their shows. They see either and that's all they need to jump on a KJ.

    What is your criteria for finding those "light on music investment" :rolleyespill:

    While I am a disc based luddite ( I'm one of those freaks of nature that can hear the difference between MP3s and standard CD+Gs and can't stand it), problems caused by SC DO affect venues and their attitudes toward karaoke.

    I am hoping you have learned from their mistakes and have hopefully found a way to search out track crooks without hurting prospective business for legit hosts.
  8. Guest

    Guest Guest

    BTW Debbie welcome to the world of managed chaos!:biggrinpill:
  9. Diafel

    Diafel Regular Member

    I guess I'm just trying to figure out how you think that's a POSITIVE thing or at least how you can try to put a positive spin on his statement.
    Correct me if I'm wrong, but you somehow think it's a good thing to scare venues to the point where they no longer want karaoke at all?
    The way I took Joe's original statement, I saw it as quite the opposite!
    Venues are shutting down karaoke altogether out of fear, yet he hasn't seen any lessening of piracy? How is that good?
    Please, correct me if I'm wrong or missing something here...
  10. JoeChartreuse

    JoeChartreuse Regular Member

    From my end, you're missing nothing. That's exactly what's happening. I only wish I could get it in writing....... Will continue to try.
  11. Guest

    Guest Guest

    My point was that Joe's area is totally different from any of the areas that have had suits filed! It is a different story everywhere else!

    How many venues in your area are shutting down karaoke out of fear that SC or one of the other Manus could possibly be filing suit?

    The positive side though is that there are now fewer places for pirates to work in Joe's area so more people will come to his show!
  12. Diafel

    Diafel Regular Member

    None! Why? Mainly because the venues are not educated regarding the subject, and I'm not about to start with them. Around here, even though there are no known pirates, I can easily imagine the venue owners immediately shying away from karaoke for the very same fears that Joe speaks of, regardless of how unfounded those fears may be!
  13. Chartbusterette

    Chartbusterette Regular Member

    Thanks everybody! I appreciate the positive comments. If we all work together we will be a respected industry once again!

    Okay, the most asked question that has never been answered. Unfortunately it is stated on every Chartbuster Disc purchased that the disc cannot be transferred, copied or downloaded to a computer, etc. etc. I can appreciate how heavy and inconvenient carrying all those discs around can be. Sure makes for a longer set up and tear down. I know. I’ve also done it for years. Fortunately Chartbuster will not consider someone stealing if they have one set of discs per computer system can complete the audit process and notify us before we get to them. We will make a final determination once the audit process is completed on a per case basis.IF you can prove that you have all the original legal discs in your possession at the time of the investigation and continuing through the audit, then you will be dropped from whatever legal action is being contemplated or taken.

    I do not think you (the computer operators with original discs) are the problem here. It is the blatant stealing of our music either by copying, downloading and or selling loaded hard drives with stolen music, all of which are Federal offenses.

    Many of your questions are in reference to Sound Choice. These I cannot answer. Chartbuster is not out to put Venues and/or legitimate KJ’s out of business. Nor do I think Sound Choice is. We are here to solve a serious problem within the industry. If all the legal KJ’s will spread the word before someone investigates your area it would be helpful. Educate, educate, educate. Let the venues know that they are in jeopardy if they use illegal KJ’s then get that gig by being legal. Then they have nothing to worry about. Yes, this is a mess and like any mess you start cleaning until you are finished. If we all work together this will happen much faster and you, the legal KJ’s, will increase your salaries by booting the pirates out. If you are trying to convince a venue and are having a hard time, we will be glad to help you with that. Have them contact us. That’s the positive way. Take it or leave it. It’s your choice.

    Diafel, I see where you say the venues are not educated and “I’m not about to start with them.” I ask why not? If you are a legal and legitimate KJ and through that education you could obtain that gig or gigs to keep that venue out of trouble and you increase your business by being legal, why wouldn’t you do that? I am perplexed about that.

    Joe, Thanks for using the discs no matter how difficult they are to carry around. Keeps the weight off though.

    Thunder, Thanks for being such a logical person and for your support. You are my head cheerleader!

    Big Joe, Thanks for the compliment. I hope you are right!

    And Proformance, It is very clear what is legal. Unfortunately in the world today everyone wants to stretch the boundaries and test the waters. The waters in the karaoke industry became a tidal wave and now the climate has to change to calm them again. I appreciate what your contention is but the laws are very clear and if you are in business to make a profit from this music it is your responsibility to know and understand the law. CB and SC are not attacking anyone. We are not constraining anyone. Shall we let this practice go on and let the karaoke industry die? That is exactly what will happen if we do nothing. Then the publishers will come and clean the rest of this industry up…and it won’t be pretty. Believe me, you do not want to face the publishers. We know. We’ve been there.

    To sum it all up for the day (as I am very busy and cannot spend too much time on these boards no matter how much I want to) if the manufacturers can get the legal KJ’s on board and start educating the venues this would be a great start. Boot the pirates out and take that venue over. We will help you with that. We will back you up. Otherwise, you are right. This could get even messier.

    Best of luck to all of you. Stay positive and God Bless and have a great day!

  14. Guest

    Guest Guest

    You are wrongly assuming that people are coming out only for karaoke as opposed to choosing a favorite establishment or meeting place. There is no reason to believe that where one bar stops karaoke another will see a sudden rise in patronage, or that any such patrons would find the new establishment to their liking.
  15. Guest

    Guest Guest

    That's a blatant contradiction. You claim that computer use is not the problem - yet you seek to coerce each and every computer user to comply with your "audit" - the alternative of which is to be sued?

    I shall leave it.

    Yes, it is. However, your plan as described does not operate on the basis of legal equity or any substantiated damages - it seeks only to exploit what is plausible while remaining outside of any judicial oversight.

    A letter seeking settlement is simply a claim for damages not substantiated. A refusal to comply with your "audit" does not relieve you of the burden to substantiate your claim. It will not be the "industry" that is named on any subsequent pleading.
  16. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Oh and BTW everyone welcome to the real world!

    Allow this to settle in a little while and watch to see how many suddenly remove all Chartbuster product from their hard drives, start posting how Chartbuster product isn't used anyway, etc. etc.!:winkpill:

    Can't wait for Nigel's Big sale of Chartbuster products to start!:biggrinpill:

    Coming soon to a venue near you .................. Stellar Records looking for copies of their products on your hard drive as well.:winkpill:

    So as I predicted what are the pirates going to end up with, MM, Nutech SAV and All Hits!

    As I also predicted, it will cost them for the Sound Choice settlement, the Chartbuster settlement, the Pop Hits Monthly/Top Hit's Monthly settlement and coming in right behind that DK and Zoom settlements!

    Call me crazy! But didn't I say just the other day and many days before, that if you are running a computer system you are in violation and will have to go through an audit if you are caught? Or you can volunteer for an audit before you are caught up in a legal issue, (if you are legit to begin with) of course many of you work for a law firm or know how to read the laws much better than some dumb guy with an 8th grade education.


    How can I get hooked up for an audit?
  17. DannyGKaraoke

    DannyGKaraoke Regular Member

    Debi how can i get hooked up as well. Or can SC do the audit for you? I am planning on having an audit done at SC when I come down. I believe Thunder is also scheduled for one then too.
  18. Loneavenger

    Loneavenger Regular Member

    I'm sorry you don't agree Proformance but this is the only way i see to fight what has turned into a HUGE problem in this industry. THANK YOU Chartbuster for joining in this fight, i'm excited about the future for Karaoke. The only way i could see this working is if all of the manufacturers could band together and make this a joint effort. I've had meetings about Karaoke and the industry with a number of local venues and educated them on the legalities and what's been happening with the law suits. They pretty much all said the same thing, " Sounds like such it would be a lot more successful if ALL these manufacturers were involved as opposed to JUST Sound Choice ". Best of luck to you, can't wait to see some more pirates disappear! :)
  19. Diafel

    Diafel Regular Member

    It's quite simple. As I stated previously, piracy is really not an issue here. I know of no known pirates in the area for hundreds of miles around. Pick a direction and drive for two hours. That's the kind of area I'm talking about.
    We are not a densely populated area and there is no over-saturation of the market. I know of only three other other hosts(all legal!) in the area, all of whom are my friends. We all keep in touch and we all know what's going on with our businesses. We recommend each other for gigs when we can't do them ourselves and we fill in for each other for holidays, illnesses. etc.
    The venue owners are not aware of the piracy situation simply because it doesn't exist here. To make them aware at this point, when there is no issue, would serve to not only make them gun shy about hiring karaoke in the first place, but would also probably make them reconsider their choice if they currently have karaoke.
    This is very much a "redneck" area, and although I wouldn't go so far as to say that the venue owners here are not educated or smart, I will say that they do things the "old school way", meaning they keep it as simple as possible. If it's not their problem (and it isn't!), they certainly won't make it theirs.
    Trying to figure out whether they may or may not get sued for having karaoke is in direct conflict with that way of thinking. It would not only take valuable time away from their businesses to research it, but it also would take effort, which I'm sure they would not want to bother to expend. Why should they? Much simpler just to do away with it altogether!
    If a venue owner knows that they can possibly get sued just for having karaoke, they are not going to waste their time or be bothered to look further to find out exactly WHY they can be sued. They will just not bother to have it it in the first place, so then the "problem" will be solved!
    Much simpler to just do away with it altogether.
    As for using it to obtain and keep gigs, surely you jest? The bars are having a hard enough time making a go of it in this economy as it is. Getting new gigs has been a challenge with the way the economy has been. And you want me to add another reason to the pile of why they should NOT hire me?
    No thanks!
    In short, this is how I make my living. I have a child to feed and clothe and a house to pay for. Why on earth would I jeopardize the income that pays for the roof over my head, the food on my table and the clothing on our backs, especially when there is no real reason to?
    Because you and Kurt want me to? What would be the purpose of it?
    There is absolutely NO advantage for me to do so and, in fact, is more than likely to be detrimental to my business!
    Perhaps if it ever becomes a problem in the future, and I don't see that happening any time soon, I might reconsider my position, but until it does, I will keep doing as I currently do.
  20. Wall Of Sound

    Wall Of Sound Regular Member


    Email her at the addy she posted in her 1st post...

    I have a phone interview scheduled with her today.
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