I am a hambil. A rare cross between a hamster and a gerbil. I like pie. I like to steal and hide shinny stuff, and horde things in general. I have recently become semi-homeless, and am looking for a new cage. Perhaps I shall find one here.
There's plenty of room for you in this cage! Just don't steal anything important, even if it is shiny. :welcome:
Okay no way am i cleaning up after the new kid...speaking of which I welcome you to Alien Soup YOU'll FIT RIGHT IN even if you an odd mix of a hamster and gerbil...yeah....I'm fixing to go now...good luck with that....yeah*awkward*
Gatorade sucks its all about mother nature own energy drink WATER and I'm still not cleaning up after the new kid I promise before the days out someones gonna step in that stuff
Hey Hambil Welcome and I have a dog he likes to eat....hamsters and gerbil as well as squirrels,cats anything that thinks it can out run him is pretty much fair game to him.:dogrun: I don't have to much to say unless I see the critter first,then and only then do I have a running chance to catch him (the dog) before he has takes off. Just kidding. :rofl:
Hambil NOT food. /me takes welder to cage door ---------- Post added at 09:55 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:52 PM ---------- What! No /me! What kind of cheap halfassed forum is this? I demand a /me! :feedback: And where's the damn hamster smilie, speaking of smilies... :furious:
*hambil wants a damn /me mod installed. *hambil throws a tantrum, running around pooping on everything.