Hello fellow administrators and AdminAddict! I'm shadow, I live in the United States of America, I'm a male and I just recently turned the age of 24... I've been online and doing forums for many years now... Had my first computer with internet (AOL & Windows 25) back in 1997... The internet universe changed dramatically since than! I'm here to let you all know about a fairly new advertising / promotion forum that is beyond any other... Tropical Promotions is very unique from the other advertising / promotion forums with a very unique look and feel to it... At Tropical Promotions, we strive to be a fun and a relaxing community! With many services to offer to the public, with many of the totally unique and never done & seen before... Tropical Promotions! http://tropicalads.net Tropical Promotions • Index page Thanks for reading and hope to get to know this forum and the community a bit more, and looking forward to some of you joining Tropical Promotions! After all, It's free to join and to use our services!
HI! Welcome. I will check out your forum now. weird, your domain doesn't work. Oh well, welcome anyhow!
Hey thanks all... Try this url: Tropical Promotions • Index page http://tropicalads.net isn't working as of yet...