Hi, I recently added a forum on my website. While I was looking for ways to attract visitors and contributors to my forum, I came across this nice place... and I registered. I'm a videogames addict (in an healthy way I suppose) and have been for over 20 years now. My website and the forum is about videogames... and here I hope to find some tips&trix on how to attract visitors/users to the forum and how to manage all of it. A very nice extra would be to get to know some people with similar interest in videogaming and webdesign. Grz, Mechanyx
Welcome to the community, we're glad to have you here. Are you using facebook or twitter to promote your forum? What about tumblr?
Thanks all for the warm welcome! I don't have a facebook account yet for the website/forum, but is on top of my todo list. On the other hand, I have a twitter account and recently created a tumblr. The twitter account is linked to the youtube channel and eveytime I upload a video, that's announced. The tumblr... nothing much started there yet ... Someone told me I'm crap at promoting my website/forum ... trying to do something about that.
Hello MainerMikeBrown, thanks for the welcome! You used to love videogames? What happened? I'm 35 years old (young), but still love videogames...although I almost never get to play anymore due to obligations (family, social life, work, ...). I don't think I'll get ever tired of videogames. I probably stop playing at a certain point when I'm like 85 years old...only for health reasons. Keep on gaming! ;-)