hello everybody

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by aurora, Sep 1, 2003.

  1. aurora

    aurora Regular Member

    This has to be one of the coolest forums I have seen. This place is laid out and laid back in just the right ways. I was pulled into this by an inviting link that was carefully dropped by a certain alien. Had to start right here though and shed my newbie skin. Hello everybody! Nice to meet you.

    Link Removed


    Please keep all links to other related sites (ie. other forums) in your signature only, it's in the rules ;) Thanks.

  2. Alyth

    Alyth Regular Member

    Welcome Aurora! (Cool Name ;))

    I'm very happy you dropped in, and I hope you stay a while. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask.

  3. Alien

    Alien Regular Member

    Hey buddy, glad you dropped in and said hello!

    As for your link above, no worries... I know you just dropped that in to mention that's where you heard about the site (from me personally) so no worries. ;)

    I hope you get to know our little group over here in no time, stick around and tell a friend!

  4. mthrlangl

    mthrlangl Regular Member

    Pfffft. Take away all my steam, why don't ya!

    (Seriously, though..welcome to the Soup :))
  5. lobo

    lobo Guest

    Hello, Aurora! :beer:

    Hope that You right in right place :lol:
    Now, ... this is time for Prox with his spoon ! ... hmm ... with probe, I mean ...
  6. aurora

    aurora Regular Member

    haha. thank you for all the welcomes.
  7. Alien

    Alien Regular Member

    Anytime. :) Catch ya on the boards!
  8. monsieurjohn

    monsieurjohn Regular Member

    welcome welcome!

    please stick around, we like people, they're important for our.. experiments
  9. Prox

    Prox Regular Member

    Speaking of experiments . . . Welcome to the soup, now prepare to be properly probed . . . and dont worry, this will only hurt a lot
  10. BRiT

    BRiT Regular Member

    Welcome to our little corner of insanity...
  11. Dani

    Dani Regular Member

    Hi and Welcome!

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