This has to be one of the coolest forums I have seen. This place is laid out and laid back in just the right ways. I was pulled into this by an inviting link that was carefully dropped by a certain alien. Had to start right here though and shed my newbie skin. Hello everybody! Nice to meet you. -aurora Link Removed {edit} Please keep all links to other related sites (ie. other forums) in your signature only, it's in the rules Thanks. ~mth {edit}
Welcome Aurora! (Cool Name ) I'm very happy you dropped in, and I hope you stay a while. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask.
Hey buddy, glad you dropped in and said hello! As for your link above, no worries... I know you just dropped that in to mention that's where you heard about the site (from me personally) so no worries. I hope you get to know our little group over here in no time, stick around and tell a friend! -Jason
Hello, Aurora! :beer: Hope that You right in right place :lol: Now, ... this is time for Prox with his spoon ! ... hmm ... with probe, I mean ...
Speaking of experiments . . . Welcome to the soup, now prepare to be properly probed . . . and dont worry, this will only hurt a lot