Hello every 1 @ mybb

Discussion in 'MyBB Discussions' started by siCK_SHOCKER, Dec 20, 2011.


    siCK_SHOCKER Regular Member

    Hello guys, I'm stuck on my forum, I want to make a cool forum for My gaming clan, My clan name is Euphoric Gaming URl is Welcome to Euphoric Gaming

    I need some1 to make a good theme and sort out the permissions and make subforums please, I am very new to mybb.

    Thanks a lot :P

    siCK_SHOCKER Regular Member

    Come on guys, Help me

    siCK_SHOCKER Regular Member

    Please guys respond, i need help with a theme for my gamimg clan site.
  4. Sunsettommy

    Sunsettommy Adept


    I am not sure if you were looking for a free one or a custom theme.

    There are a few default gaming themes out there.But they might not be specific enough for you.

    This one is from SKIN CITY DESIGNS. It is the services page.There you can decide on discussing a custom there with her.

    She has good experience with myBB software.Has made themes based on it.Her forum's theme there is her own work.It is good!

    I can help you with the permissions and subforums.

    This is my FORUM.I am the owner and Manager there.
  5. Sunsettommy

    Sunsettommy Adept

    Well he has not visited his own forum since December 21.Not here since the 22nd.

    Not only that no postings either.It appears to be a dead forum.

    Why bother creating a forum and then ask for help.But do nothing for 2 weeks after that?
  6. AWS

    AWS Administrator Admin Talk Staff

    That's how people are sometimes.

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