Hello! We've given our website a much needed facelift, and we hope you enjoy the new design. Several people have come together to contribute to the project and I'll be listing them and their contact information in a seperate message later today.. I have to crash for now... Note: You will find several issues around the site, such as incomplete links, the broken Gallery area, an odd color here and there or a page rendering error or whatever. We're also going to replace the full button forum "button set" as well. We'll be working on all of them shortly, and we're not done re-arranging stuff so there will be quite a bit of that over the next week. If you have any suggestions you'd like to see added, as always make a thread in Soup Station and be heard... Night, campers. -Jason
Woooowwww!!!! I am :inlove: with the website. Great graphics. They're cute!! To all who had a part in the new facelift, I give you :cheek: or :hug2: and :shake: :cheer:
I'm very pleased at the results and even happier with the unexpected level of responses I'm getting. Thank YOU all especially for continuing to visit our site because we appreciate every one of you. We're just a month and change away from our official 4 year anniversary and we are really excited about the future! We have alot planned including new functionality, as well as merging a couple more small sites into Alien Soup (enhancing gaming and tech content) so watch for that in the coming weeks!
Great job Alien and contributers!!! The site looks awesome, and it's a big improvement. I LOVE it!!!! :shake:
Not sure if you want issues reported in the thread or not, but here's some I've noticed: The green buttons at the bottom left of every page -- Chat (http://www.aliensoup.com/chat.php? ) and Gear ( http://www.aliensoup.com/gear.php? ) are broken links. And I'll assume you already know about the broken links on the bottom right of every page -- (Credits / Privacy / Terms ).
yeah, lots of links are still broken, including in the drop-down menus... he's on it btw i made a suggestion box thread in here which will be good for issue reporting
As for links, they'll all be completed one by one.. Trying to work on the chat and gallery areas now...