Hello All

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by Guest, Jun 10, 2005.

  1. Guest

    Guest Guest

    I am new here and this is the first time i have ever been involved in this type of forum. Takes some getting use to.
    I am a senior and i live in Massachusetts. Have 1 cat and i love letterboxing and knitting.
    Hope you all have a great evening!
  2. southernlady

    southernlady Regular Member

    Hi stamper and welcome. Glad you joined us. A senior in college or high school? And I love Mass. Just wish I could visit someday. Liz
  3. Reddie

    Reddie Regular Member

    Welcome, Stamper! Glad you found us. I live in New Jersey, have a dog, and enjoy doing needlework. Carol
  4. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Well Southernlady, you gave me my very first laugh of the day. I am neither a senior in HS or Coll. I am a Senior Citizen lol Thanks for starting my day off with a chuckle. lol
    I love your board, it is a new type of board to me and i find it very interesting and fun to be able to hop from one thing to another.
    have a great day!
  5. Reddie

    Reddie Regular Member

    Judging from your "handle", do you like to make things using rubber stamps? I have a friend who does that sort of thing. It looks like fun. Carol
  6. southernlady

    southernlady Regular Member

    Sorry about the confusion, :oops: But we've had our mind on seniors in high school lately. So when you said senior, that's where my mind went, LOL. :whistlin:

    So are you married? Kids? Grandkids? And yes, we are a nosy bunch.

    I have two stepdaughters, one is 21 and in college in AL...the other is 19 and living with a guy in PA but moving back to this area soon (long story but if you read this week's thread, you will catch most of it). We have 5 cats. And I love to play on computers. Liz
  7. southernlady

    southernlady Regular Member

    Stamper, I moved your post here cause I close and lock the daily boards every week and I didn't want to lose this intro. I wanted others to be able to see it after today. Liz
  8. Kathy

    Kathy Regular Member

    Welcome Stamper! I'm Kathy, also a member of AARP. :shades_s:
    I live in central New York. I'm still working full time so I don't get to frequent these boards often, but it's nice to see you here. I hope you enjoy the forum and all this new technology. Isn't it amazing!

    I have a dh and two grown children, boy and girl (who has been married nearly 3 yrs.!) Where does the time fly eh? Unfortunately I don't have a lot of time for hobbies these days. I try to get some reading in during my lunch hours and I still love working outdoors in the garden though it's rough on the knees and the mosquitoes are murder.

    I hope to see you here more often.
  9. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Thank you all for such a warm welcome. Yes i have grandchildren, 6 of them 5 boys and 1 girl. they are great kids. My stamping consists of carving my own stamps for letterboxing. Which is a great out door hobby of mine. I save stamps i have collected and will be making a scrapbook with pictures, stories, and of course each stamp. I have one kitty named GiGi. She is a real sweetie! I am looking forward to getting to know all of you and having some fun on the boards. Happy Day! Stamper
  10. southernlady

    southernlady Regular Member

    Oh, I've heard of letterboxing, thanks to Leng (WSHinCO) a really good friend. You see, when I started this forum, I managed to drag some of my IRL (In Real Life) friends in here with me. I've known some of these ladies for 5-8 years, LOL but we love making new friends which is why we wanted a forum where we could chat. :blahblah:

    Gigi sounds like a sweetie. Liz
  11. Kathy

    Kathy Regular Member

    Stamper, I'm still waiting for grandbabies. My kids aren't ready yet. Dd has only been teaching 3 yrs. and has been working on her masters degree. This summer she finally finishes. Maybe I won't have to hold my breath for much longer. Ha, ha

    Dh has been retired about 1-1/2 yrs. now. Basically he was given an offer he couldn't refuse and now he's just been enjoying his free time and traded with me for my homemaker's hat, still not interested in going back to work.

    I'm going to pass along this link to another very small group of "over-50" ladies I chat with on occasion. As this site grows, they may enjoy some of
    the forums. Nice to see you back Stamper and please pop in regularly.
  12. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Hi Kathy, Still trying to get use to the forum lol. I think its so cool. Love all the different topics. Not to much activity, probably everybody at the beach or maybe its all done by email. I don't know :)
    The weather here is horrible. HHH hazy hot and humid. Makes me useless.
    Have a great week.
  13. Guest

    Guest Guest


    Welcome aboard....:thumbup:

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