Hey dude!! Goths rule!! Especially goth chicks, they are wayy sexy .. Anyways, welcome to the boards .. I am only new despite the semi-middling post count. Looking forward to reading some of your poetry dude, see ya around.
Hows that, I'm here like, 22 hours, and I'm already popular! SwissSmiss: Damn, I like you already. Are you my soul-mate? I'm not so gothic as to go the make up though. I can't stand the stuff. I just get the trenchcoat and Jewellery happening. I've got me liddle alchemist ring, from the Alchemy Gothic catalogue too. I love the liddle alchemist dude. I'm still waiting for my two black roses to arrive though. I'm keeping one, and giving the other to my ex-girlfriend. Alien/Jason, I'll try and find my avatar within the week. Meanwhile, where's your little store of avatars to choose from? Now that I've got my post count >= 10. I'll have to go for >= 50. Where do ya think I should go next? I've got a few rants floating around in this demented psychotic brain of mine. And If I can find the damned thing, I might jes' pull some out Yo, Alien, since I'm the stranger on a strange planet here, do I get to do the "Take me to your leader"? Oh hang on, You are the leader.... Damnit.
At the top of the page under the header, click on the 'Customize' button. In there click on the 'edit options' button. At the bottom of that table, you'll see a 'change avatar' button...click on that and select what you want. enjoy avatar surfing!
Hehe, I did find the brain of mine. BTW, I was actually referring to a little "Stress" brain I have, like those stress balls and things like that. My little stress brain, was from the Embedded Systems conference at San Jose, America, last year. I used to be an embedded systems software designer. I have too many specialized trades. Programmer (7 languages, Applications, Games, Low Level Operating Systems) Hardware designer (Yes I can design the little boards in your PC, from PCI or AGP prototype boards) Electronics Engineer Roboticist Too many others. Think I need to get a life, instead of just getting knowledge?