For once in my life, I decided to crawl out of my little corner of the world and join somebody elses. I'm an 18 year old Aussie guy, with nothing better to do than sit here, look bored, and mourn over my last girlfriend. (Why do I do this *EVERY* time?) I'm also a gothic little dude (Always a good conversation starter.) My jobs is as a game designer and programmer. I write code that makes all the 3d games do their pretty 3D graphics. I enjoy, computers, robotics, and long walks on the footpath. I'm also a poet, and a musical artist. (Vocals, Bass, Lead and the Triangle :tongue: . Never all at once.) I write songs from my poetry. Well, tiz all for now. Drop me a line, it'll be the first time I've felt welcome ... ... anywhere. Attached is a picture of me, from just before my 18th B'day started. Albeit, it's a lousy photo. This was pre-depression stage photo. - The Shogun
HEYA!! Welcome to the soup!! We're all glad to have you here. Come and join our insanity :oddgrin: ... just ask the mods if ya need anything...
:lol: Welcome to the Soup, Shogun. Good to have another Victorian on board! If you have any questions, feel free to ask myself or one of the other mods.
Hey, we got a viccie mod! You in the vacinity of melbourne? Me and a bunch of mates are going to the melbourne show this friday, (The day it opens, tickets are cheap) to have a bit 'o fun. Since we're all little wimps, we're daring each other to do each horrifying ride, with consequences
Got a question Okay, here's a question for ya, whoever owns the board, and has server access, any chance you can open my liddle member file and up my post count a little? To say, I dunno, 2500? Hehe, hey anything's worth a try! Seriously though, I think you guys are beating Somethingawful's forum post count...
Hey Shogun! Welcome to our soup! It's nice to have you drop by! Any avatar requests, post a private message to Alien (the big alien dude) and he'll help you out with that. Otherwise, I look forward to reading your posts!
Coolies. Thanks for making me feel welcome guys. Now I'll try and find that little pic I wanted as an avatar. It's a widdle teenage sephiroth from FF7 - The Shogun. BTW, Has anybody ever heard of/read "A book of five rings" by Miamoto Musashi
I haven't heard of that one. Just find the avatar you want, and I'm sure Alien will be happy to add it for you. In response to your question - I'm down near Geelong. I'm too broke to make it to the Melbourne Show, so I'll probably settle for the piddly Geelong one. and yes, my mates and I'll probably be daring each other to go on each horrifying ride
Dave: Geelong has a show?? News to me. Literally. YesIndeed: (Nat?) Well, you've just found yourself a mate. Few Q's. Code: Are you around our age? If so Are you going to the melbourne show? If so, are you willing to go friday? If so, wanna meet us at the showbag pavillion at about 3:30? If so, Then cool End If End If End If End If End Question Ahh, the disadvantages to being a programmer. Always automatically closing your structures
:lol:@end ifs Yeah, Geelong has a show. It's about the third week in October. It's not too bad, but it's got nothing on the Melbourne one.
Well, I teach programming at the local school, during lunch times, for something to do. Students who are interested pay me to do so. I teach people how to write VB code. Now, at the time, I'd only taught language flow control in the form of "For" loops, which have a max limit. A "Do" loop, continues forever, unless you set conditions. I asked if anybody could make a loop go forever. Tony the little smarta** showed me this: Code: For I = 0 To I + 1 ' Code Goes here! Next I Now essentially, that's saying Starting at 0, Until I reaches I + 1, keep looping. The sad thing is, the kid was quite proud of his code! Whereas the correct way to do it, would be: Code: Do ' Code Goes here! Loop It was quite innovative though. Interesting, to say the least.
hi! :wave: f.y.i. a ranking of "overlord" here is a mod, and the "overmind" is Alien, the admin. so if you have any questions, feel free to ask any of us. welcome, and enjoy yourself!
Hey, welcome Shogun. I'm happy you decided to visit us, and even happier to see you've begun to participate quite a bit! I think you'll fit right in here. As for that avatar, we have quite a few in the list. However, if you want a custom one just show it to me and I'll put it up! If you need anything else, just let us know okay? -Jason