Hello Aliens!

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by Guest, Jul 21, 2003.

  1. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Don't worry, I come in piece. My real name is Noah, I am hailing from New York, and I was referred here by Alien, who, along with me, is getting a new design from InsideThePixel (which Alien has already received :P) I cannot wait to become active here. These are the best looking forums on the Internet!
  2. Alien

    Alien Regular Member

    Welcome aboard the mothership. :) It's nice to have new visitors.

    ...now where is Prox, and that level 10 splintery probe...
  3. monsieurjohn

    monsieurjohn Regular Member

    prox is MIA and AWOL and KIA. wait, no, not that last one.

    welcome, xque.... noah!

    if there's a way to pronounce your handle i wanna know it. do you know fhqwhgads? :D
  4. Diesel

    Diesel Regular Member

  5. Guest

    Guest Guest


    Prox will surely be back soon, he's just on the job hunt :)
  6. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Pronunciation: QuEeNz like Queens, NYC (i am male!)
    NaZcHo: Nas - cho

    Xx.. dont pronounce ;)
  7. Diesel

    Diesel Regular Member

    The X Stands For "eXtremely Silent"!
  8. Dani

    Dani Regular Member

    Hi and Welcome!
  9. Prox

    Prox Regular Member

    Welcome to our insanity . . . Now prepare to be probed . . . and dont worry it will only hurt a lot

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