heh... hi again

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by monsieurjohn, May 26, 2002.

  1. monsieurjohn

    monsieurjohn Regular Member

    hi guys... i thought i'd never start a thread in welcome, but here it is!

    i've been gone for a while now, as a couple of you might have noticed.. i've kept in touch with a few, but it's been hard for the same reasons i stopped coming in the first place... midterms fall quarter started it all, i believe. since then it's been either constant work or a broken computer (i've been without a computer this year more than i've had one, thanks to IBM's genius at making hard disks out of putty or something), so i haven't been around

    i *am* sorry about going away, and i *have* missed the soup a great deal, and i *hope* i can come back in some capacity, but i think i'll probably still be pretty busy, since finals start in a couple weeks (we get out really late, thanks to the quarter system), i'm going to be busy again

    it feels good to poke my head in! talk soon..


  2. SwissSmiss

    SwissSmiss Regular Member



    like i never talk to you. :)

  3. liltaz

    liltaz Regular Member

    Hi there :)

    long time no see :D
  4. YesIndeed

    YesIndeed Regular Member

    Hey! Welcome back MJ!! :D Great to see ya!! :nod:
  5. Masterchief

    Masterchief Regular Member

    Ummm... I'm also back! place sure has changed!

    Thought I was in the wrong forums, til some guy told me it was AS. :beer:
  6. Diesel

    Diesel Regular Member

    Hey Masterchief. It's been a really long time. Welcome back!
  7. Alien

    Alien Regular Member


    It's good to see you around again, how the heck have you been man? :)

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