hi guys... i thought i'd never start a thread in welcome, but here it is! i've been gone for a while now, as a couple of you might have noticed.. i've kept in touch with a few, but it's been hard for the same reasons i stopped coming in the first place... midterms fall quarter started it all, i believe. since then it's been either constant work or a broken computer (i've been without a computer this year more than i've had one, thanks to IBM's genius at making hard disks out of putty or something), so i haven't been around i *am* sorry about going away, and i *have* missed the soup a great deal, and i *hope* i can come back in some capacity, but i think i'll probably still be pretty busy, since finals start in a couple weeks (we get out really late, thanks to the quarter system), i'm going to be busy again it feels good to poke my head in! talk soon.. john :bgrin:
Ummm... I'm also back! place sure has changed! Thought I was in the wrong forums, til some guy told me it was AS. :beer: