For my Linnie Forum - Lineolated Parakeet Forum - Linnie Forum Community Type of Graphic (A logo, avatar, banner, etc.): Header image/logo Colors: Green, blue, whatever matches my site. Text Preference: Main: The Linnie Forum - Sub: Where Linnie Lovers Meet Specific Images to be included: I'd like at least one of each color of linnies (refer to current header image). You can browse our gallery for some images, or I can list each image I'd like to be used (whichever is easiest for you). Size (in pixels): Whatever fits nicely and isn't too large or invasive. Payment/Offer in return (if applicable): n/a Any other details or specifications: I don't like header images that take up the whole entire header section. I love the banner/logo used on this site; something similar to it would be great. I like having transparency
Does it have to be someone on this forum? Or can I recommend someone off the forum to do some work at a good price?
No, it doesn't have to be somebody here. And considering this: It better be some sort of damn-good price. :p
hahaha Well there you go!! See I posted and you got yourself a header image for free! :p I am getting some done now from someone so I am experiencing this now. Also a great resource for banners and things...A High Quality Banner Design Studio- MiniBannersZen They are actually pretty cheap for what you get if you're ever looking.
Damn, too bad you want multiple birds used, cause I had a sort of neat idea. But can you do me a favor and list the images you'd like? I'm not too well versed in Parakeets :p
Plazz, feel free to try your idea. It doesn't necessarily have to have every single one. Just a few (like the header image I said I liked) could turn out really well - and if so, I'd use it! I'll get you that list in a little while.
Actually, I LOVE it!!!! Even with just one linnie. The one thing I am a bit iffy about is the text color. It matches my site, yes, but it's not 'soft', if you will. I'd like it to match my theme and remain soft, easy and a tad professional. I kinda like the font, but not that much. Perhaps these few changes would make a world of a difference?
Here's a two minute job. I got bored and cut out a parakeet with the pen tool and did some basic text.
Plazz, of the two you posted, I like #1. Shelley, I really like your variation; very clean and desirable. Although the bird you used may be a parakeet, it isn't a Lineolated parakeet. :p Is there any way you could use the one Plazz used and see how that comes out? I really like the smooth colors and presentation.