Hi everyone, I just came back from Hawaii, Maui, and Oahu. It was so beautiful and I learned a lot. I enclosed a couple of pics for your enjoyment. The first is a turtle on the shore of the Black Sand Beach. Yes, BLACK Sand. Pretty cool to walk in!
Another pic This is the cottage we had to ourselves on the Big Island, in the rainforest. Waking up to the sounds of rain rocked!! I'd be happy to post any more, I'd like to show you the volcanos.
Looks really cool.... we spend last xmas in Gran Canaria which also has black sand due to the volcanic rock everywhere. It looked fabulous but also was finer/softer than normal sand. No turtles on the beach there tho, just lots of Germans
I think the sand is the product of volcanic rock erosion - seems to be unique to places which have volcanoes anyway!
John- Nuphoria's right. I also went to the Green Sand Beach (Big Island again) pictured here- it's kinda hard to tell it's green in the pic. I think this had something to do with all of the sulfur, but I gotta research that one... We also went to the lava tubes... actual caves formed of lava, this other pic is me inside of one. Oh, and Belterc- this was my delayed honeymoon...
Whoa! Great pics! Great place! The last one is especially scary! Cuz it reminds to me the martian landscape about 100000000 years ago... Also ... it looks like a fossil You should to post more pictures! :nod:
Hey, great pics you have there... I'll be going to Hawaii myself sometime in the next year and I'm really looking forward to it.