Have you seen this???????????

Discussion in 'Managing Your Online Community' started by NickyJ, Apr 13, 2011.

  1. NickyJ

    NickyJ Newcomer


    The above link is to a Facebook forum. If you visit the link, you'll notice that the people who've posted threads, their avatars show next to the thread in a small pic fashion. I am looking for a mod for vb3.8 that does this and shows the avatar in the same tiny size, but...shows it on the forums index/home page, in place of the usual post/reply icon. Can anyone be of assistance?
  2. Blubble

    Blubble Novice

    That link doesn't work.
  3. NickyJ

    NickyJ Newcomer

    Ok, I fixed the link. It should work now.
  4. Imperial

    Imperial Adept

    How about a screenshot since I'm not letting a facebook knockoff app have access to private data. (and yes, its a knockoff -> facebookforums.net)
  5. NickyJ

    NickyJ Newcomer

  6. avery

    avery Newcomer

    Hi every one
    I am trying to open the link but its not properly working,First check your link and past it again,After watching this link i can give you sum good sulotion of your problem.
  7. Keylogged

    Keylogged Addict

    This looks very nice, I'm looking forward to using this.

    Thanks for sharing.
  8. onlineearner123

    onlineearner123 Regular Member

    the link is not working for me......canu pls fix the link ?

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