Happy birthday Pyxidragon!!!

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by Guest, Dec 28, 2006.

  1. Guest

    Guest Guest

    She covers them for her mother as well. As a matter of fact, I let it slip about the Irish tat she had on her arm. Her mother knew nothing about it.
  2. Pyxidragon

    Pyxidragon Regular Member

    Oops? On the other hand, if the girl's out on her own and over eighteen, is there really much that her mother can say?
  3. Guest

    Guest Guest

    You obviously don't know my sister. I was married and my Mother still ruled the roost! She would say jump; I would ask how high.

    Like Mother, like daughter in our family. Although my sister swears that she is not as controlling as our Mother, we let her believe in fairy tales!
  4. Pyxidragon

    Pyxidragon Regular Member

    *wry smile* I understand though. My mother's much the same way. "I'm still your mother, and you're going to do as I say!" I listen, but whether I act on her demands or not is a completely different story.
  5. Lil'Jeffery34

    Lil'Jeffery34 Regular Member

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:thumbsup: :applaus: :wave:

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