:birthday: Happy birthday man!!!! :nuts: :nuts: Boy, what would we all do without Jason!?!?! I can't imagine what the Internet would be without him... Go Alien, it's ya birthday, we gon' partay like its ya birthday, we gon sip some Coke while it's ya birthday... Man, seriously, have an amazing day. You have done so much for me in the past, stuff that many don't even know/see. THANK YOU! Have a beer man. :beer: (This has to be my most crazy post here) Anyone have a few words?
well holy crap. 403 years old already? how time flies... hope this day is AWESOME, and that you don't work too hard or stress about anything or get into any firefights with rival alien species all the best always, and keep up the good work with this and all your sites. you rock! :chestram:
Hmm, maybe we can get Prox to re-probe him. Anyways, here are my few words: I originally found this site back when it was completely amidst redesign by a company that I was working with. I signed up, and activation wasn't working. No problem. Jason took it upon himself to personally instant messenge me on my AIM screen name and get me fixed. We got into talking about web design, and immedietaly, I knew this dude was cool. He has helped me through my various web site "ventures" until I pissed him off too much with my failure. LOL. But he has stil given me his full support for my latest experiment, and I appreciate that. He helped me get acquainted on this site, and for a while, I posted alot. I stopped after a while because of my "ventures," but Jason didn't stop talking to me. Here's Jason will still be going around with his useless, mindless posts that make us laugh.
Hey, Big Eyes! Hope that You will have great day! Great cake! Great Party! Many-many coke and food! :bloons2: :beer: :ptime: :cake: Please report about collected gifts.
w00tr! happy birthday! We would all be pretty damn bored right about now if it wasn't for you making this site. :bloons2: wishing you a happy birthday with my 101st post
Happy Birthday, Alien!!! :banana: You've given us all so much help and support, you deserve to have a wonderful day! Have an awesome birthday and tell us how it went. :toot: :party1: :blowout: :beer:
Felicidad, congrats, all that jazz. Here's hoping da BOSS has a wonderful day! :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
Good plan Natchoman :lol: Everyone needs a good birthday probing! Happy happy lovely day Alien. :birthday: :toot: :weekend: :cake: Bet yr really glad you gave us all these annoying smileys aren't you *nawty grin*
Hey thank you very much everybody. Today has been real busy with trying to sell my current house (I hate strangers walking around damnit), replacing a broken air conditioner and a host of other things but I'm still having a good day.. I am planning on running to the movies later (too bad "The Day After Tomorrow" isn't playing yet grr) with some friends and having a real nice dinner so that should be relaxing in the very least! Anyways, thanks for taking the time to post in this thread, you people kick some serious butt. You all keep me going with every kind word here and in PM, and I appreciate every one of you funky humans. Alien is ready for his birthday probing, Prox!
happy birthday Big Giant Head! you deserve it! now go out and relax w/your friends and enjoy the movie! you rock, my friend - spwidergoopwash wuvs ya :hug2: