
Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by Rebel, Jul 11, 2014.

  1. Rebel

    Rebel Regular Member

    I found this forum by accident and it seems rather interesting. At least it seems better than the dump I usually visit (Digital Point) which isn't what it used to be 8 years ago. I own Political Debate Forums - an uprising political debate forum. I've been a forum admin for over 10 years. When I was younger mostly on anime forums and now in my mid twenties mostly on political forums. I've used just about every software out there but VB 4 is still by favorite (although I can't stand VB5 and refuse to upgrade to it). I've used Xenforo as well, like this forum, and it's a great software, unfortunately not so good for my audience though lol.
    cpvr likes this.
  2. AWS

    AWS Administrator Admin Talk Staff

    Howdy and welcome. I had a political forum a few years ago. I sold to a person that wanted to buy it just to close it because he didn't like the way everyone disagreed with him.
    pixelek likes this.
  3. Rebel

    Rebel Regular Member

    Thank you.

    That's odd. I don't know how I would feel about that honestly. I would be happy with the money I suppose but pretty sad that someone like that existed at all :-/

    On a side there any sort of forum on this board that we can post staff request threads??
  4. AWS

    AWS Administrator Admin Talk Staff

    I didn't know that was what he was going to do. He ran it for a few days and then deleted everything. It did bother me. I built a big board and in the blink of an eye it was gone.
  5. cpvr

    cpvr Regular Member

    Welcome to the community @Rebel, how long have you been a forum owner?
  6. Rebel

    Rebel Regular Member

    About 10 years or so give or take lol. When I was younger I ran anime boards. One of them got to big board status. After a while though (read: as I got older lol) I just lost interest in anime and moved on to another passion...politics. Been doing politics for about 3 years now, although for most of that time I was the admin at another owners forum, my political forum linked in the OP is only about 3 months old now. I'm having a lot of trouble with it because politics is a different game. I can't seem to get members no matter what I try - SEO, backlinks, affiliations, sig links on other forums (got banned for that once), and other techniques that used to work back in the day. Nada...can't get it off the ground. Even made it the hottest looking board in it's genre. So I'm hoping if I stick around enough I might pick up some good ideas how to get this thing going.
  7. pixelek

    pixelek Regular Member

    What? Why would someone buy something with the only aim to close it? Does it not sound to you like the buyer have too much money and he/she does not know what to buy? If one buys a forum, one should take good amount of care about it.......

    @Rebel - welcome here, have a nice time here and enjoy..... what is your favourite forum engine?
  8. Rebel

    Rebel Regular Member

    I like Xenforo the best. I was a very active member of their support boards for years.

    Although I reverted back to earlier versions of Vbulletin for my political forum based on my findings that the age groups that commonly frequent political forums we're scared away by Xenforo. Quite frankly they we're afraid of change. So a new board with Xenforo wont receive that much traffic and it'll fight to survive. The Political Xenforo boards you see now we're all forums that we're active before Xenforo and merged (most of them anyways). By keeping to an old standard I was able to achieve moderate success.

    Although we're still very new in many terms. I did have to ban someone the other day so I suppose we're gaining ground lol.

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