I'm Mike. No, not that Mike you know. Nor that one. Nor the other one you vaguely recall from somewhere. I've been pretending to know what I'm doing for the last twenty years, since the days of dial-up and bulletin boards. I usually hide, out of site, out of mind, as I am antisocial by nature and have a low tolerance for ignorance, which is rampant on forums. I've recently begun to spend a lot of time on the official sites of software developers, and notice that there are a handful of know-it-alls on each site, as well as a handful of those who complain about everything. Personally, I think all of them should die in a fire. But that's just me. I like it here. This appears to be a [****][****][****][****][****][****][****]-free zone.
Welcome to the forums Mike. We share the "die in fire" attitude..lol Thanks for joining Admin Talk Sent from the Admin Talk Android app