For those that know me already.... For those that don't know me already, Hi! I've been around forum software for 10~ years or so and used to be mostly in the vBulletin world. Before then I used to run a fairly large multi-line BBS from the mid-80's up to till the late 90's. I've been involved with some vBulletin projects over the years and am still on staff at some but for the most part I have moved on to XenForo. I still have one personal site running vBulletin but that will be moved after our new custom style for it is ready. With my migration to XenForo the sites that I do operate yet are mostly for my own personal enjoyment and not as a commercial venture; a lot less stress that way. If we end up talking in the forums you'll find out that I'm basically a big geek that likes shiny toys.
I'll fix that when I get on the pc. Thanks for joining this forum & it's always good to see you around.
Thanks for the welcome, guys! BTW, Dan, from the links in your sig, looks like we had a similar idea about a new site. Haven't launched mine yet though.
Which one, lol? I really haven't gotten mine off the ground yet either. Had vB installed for months though, lol
"Big guy, Lil' World" is the similar idea. I've been securing domains, have an XF license ready to go, been bouncing ideas off of people, but haven't gone to the next step yet. I think after I am done converting my last remaining vBulletin site to XF that I'll work on the new site.
Cool beans maybe we can trade some ideas. To be honest I haven't thought a whole lot about it yet besides pulling in a RSS feed.