hi guys, just registered and thought i'd be all nice and polite and introduce myself....... i'm shell from england, i'm a writer/degree student and a certified forum junkie, pleased to meet you xx
Hello shellspeare, welcome to the soup! Nice to see more residents of our tiny island and to see them playing in Fun and Notables!:yay: What are you studying? If you like writing there are some interesting threads going on...try the forum novel in Fun And Notables....it needs some more input! Have fun
Welcome to the soup. Im sure you will enjoy it. Now I must do my duty and issue you your first probing. So bend it on over and prepare to be probed .. . dont worry it will only hurt a lot.
thx for the great welcomes guys, i loved the probing, would it be possible to get them daily? :nod: i'm doing an english degree fellow Britain xx