Just dropping by to say a quick Hello! I have hoped to find a small and budding community revolving around community management, more specifically forums. I'm hoping I've found that here at Admin Addict and I plan on becoming active around these boards and hoping if the community is of my liking. I'm 19 from Newcastle, England and running communities is a passion as much as a source of income. I'm currently studying my final year of Alevels and I am in fact taking time out of my Art coursework to write this introduction. I have been accepted to my desired Business Studies degree course in which I embark upon come September providing my results are as expected. I have and currently do, run several large MMORPG boards and fan sites and have done for several years now. I'd like to think I have a wealth of experience in managing said communities and have learned many valuable lessons over the years in terms of what works, and what doesn't. I'm here to learn also. As you Administrators are more then likely aware, you can't enter community administration through reading text books, you have to learn from experience. I'm hoping to channel from other successful administrators experiences and add them to my own which I think is an invaluable resource. I'll be posting some of my boards up for review and you can get an idea of how I like to run my communities and maybe advise me on possible methods to optimize my existing success further. The introduction I had planned was not this lengthy but I'm genuinely excited to have found a commnity I have desired to be a part of for a while. Hope to get to know you all better.
Welcome to AdminAddict, Dominic - you certainly have found the right place, and I have no doubts that you will enjoy our community.
Great introduction, you'll love it here. Quoted for truth, man! Wonderful, wonderful. Enjoy yourself.
Completely off topic as any of my posts go, but I cry everynight thinking about NewCastle's relegation
Thank you all for the warm welcomes. I share all your enthusiasm when it comes to this community and I've added it to my list of forums that I automatically begin to visit when I open Firefox. That is difficult to achieve in my eyes, so subconsciously I see great potential in these boards. Ha, yes plazzman, it was unfortunate but as I vest little interest in the sport, I won't be losing any sleep over it.