Hello :bye: Newbie needing probing...where would you like me? :oddgrin: Have been dragged kicking and screaming (no, I don't believe me either) in by Nuph who seems to have taken up residence here. Thought I'd see if y'all as amusing as your cracked up to be! m x
Hola, mousefur! Glad to see You there! :beer: This place is cool and clean just for Your needs! :nod: About probin' ... It is coming - just be ready ... Prox is always on the road!
Hey welcome to the site. I noticed you've just completed 10 posts exactly and have been playing in the arcade for a while. Hopefully we'll see you continue your posting trend and the rest of the site will not go forgotten... Have a great time, and let us know if you need anything (besides the probing!)
Well, the site does have that attraction (she says having just achieved a high score!) but to be honest I'm quite interested in what absorbs the lovely Nuphoria so! You and your chums seem to have got her sttention so you must be worth talking to!!! Ok, enough unashamed crawling! You'll prob have trouble shutting me up! Thanks for the warm welcome guys, xxx
I assure you we won't shut you up! We'd love for you to be an active member here. Everything here is centered around the community and every member has the ability to make the place more and more active and open to high traffic potential if we all post a few messages every day. Let us know if you have any suggestions or comments that can help make the site even better. We're always open to that too!
Be warned Mister Alien, the little lady has plenty of "suggestions"... hope you got a notepad ready for when she decides to give you a few! Other than that, she's very housetrained and can spend hours retaliating to posts which doth not please mah lady... I think you have a "poster" as a new member