Graphics Designer

Discussion in 'Marketplace and Exchanges' started by torque, Aug 20, 2009.

  1. torque

    torque Regular Member

    Wanted Graphics Designer

    Good Day to all of you Addicts of Admin Addict, my name is Brendon but everyone calls me Merk (and I would like to keep it that way) I am the founder and owner of Sports Force Interactive - and a number of other communities that are under construction.

    I am here, holding my hat in both hands, asking for the help of all of the Graphics Designers here, or ones that may join here in the future, looking to take on a couple of full time graphics designers for my community.

    What this requires is that when we require graphics for our communities we will contact you and at your first available convienience you would hopefully create the graphics for us.

    You will be given FTP Access which will only get you into a certain folder inside all of our communities - and you will be given admin permissions on all of our communities with style administration permissions - which means if you are working on the forums you will be able to design/upload and edit the code to show your work.

    We are looking to get a couple of graphic designers on board so if one of you are busy we can fall back to another one (if it is important to get done).

    What we are offering is a payment of $80USD a month (via paypal only) for your services, to be doubled after six months of continued service. Any Graphic Designer who joins up must make graphics every month if you don't make any (however have been asked to) you won't be paid - simple!

    If you are interested then please reply here with some samples of your work the people whose examples we like/enjoy will then be contacted via Private Message to discuss details more.

    In the Private Message you may be asked to make an image related to one of our communities (in which you will be paid $10USD for) to see how well you use artists discretion, suitable graphics/style for our communities.

    Our Communities consist of a number of sport websites, a mystery (Crime/Paranormal) community, and others still being set up.

    If you have a preference to what type of community/ graphics style you would like then put that in your response.

    By joining you agree that any graphics you make for our communities become the property of the community - meaning if you decide you don't want to do it any more you can't take the graphics with you.

    If you require any further information please feel free to contact me.
  2. Okenyon

    Okenyon Champion

    i got this!
  3. torque

    torque Regular Member

    I did say I was after a couple of graphic designers to ensure i have a selection - if i need a graphic that suits someones style i can go to them for the graphic :)

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