Grandmother in the Netherlands

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by splettstoesser, Nov 17, 2009.

  1. :hello: My name is Pamela. Though I am American, my husband is Dutch and we live in the Netherlands.

    I do product fotography and play around with animations. I am also a doll collector and have created an animated website which is just for doll collectors. On this website Pitty Patter Market , I have put the Baby Face Workshop which is a phpbb forum along with paypal shops which the members can use to sell their dolls and creations. In the past I have paid other people to handle the technical side but people move on and I hate having to explain the past mods which were installed to new people, so I decided to learn to do them myself. I am hoping to learn from everyone here if everyone can put up with a grandmotherly doll collectors questions! :turtle:
  2. Nick

    Nick Regular Member

    Hi Pamela, welcome to the community. Glad you found us. :)

    Please enjoy your time. ;)
  3. Thanks Nick. :welcome:
  4. kev

    kev Regular Member

    Hello from Texas Pamela

    Welcome to the admin addict forums.
  5. Peggy

    Peggy Regular Member

    Hi Pamela, we're glad to have you here. Jump right in, the waters' fine!
  6. John

    John Regular Member

    Hi Pamela, welcome to AA! Feel free to ask away, if we don't know the answer we'll make up something witty or stupid ;)
  7. :welcome:Hi Kevin! Its been a long time since I was in Texas. I was born in East Texas.

    :welcome:Hi Peggy.

    :giggle:Ok... Thanks smackLAN! I opt for the Witty! I do enough Stupid on my own!!
  8. Abomination

    Abomination Zealot

    Welcome! Netherlands is a nice place!

    I looked at your site, can I assume only logged in people can look at the threads?
  9. Yes, we were having so many "viagra" spammers among others that I had to lock it up and even that didn't stop some of them! But can you just imagine when a forum full of Doll collectors gets a gander at a post about male enhancment?? It is terrible! I really don't understand their reasoning for spamming... Surely it can not be beneficial to their profits!
  10. MjrNuT

    MjrNuT Grand Master

    Welcome to the real eden. :P

    We know you'll glean some good info here....or we'll just direct everything to smackLan.

    I enjoyed my short stint through Brugge and Brussels back in the day. :)
  11. :welcome:I have never been to Belgium but I have heard that Brussles is nice. I don't know anything about Brugge other than it is in Belgium. I live in the far Northeastern part of the Netherlands, so Belgium is quite a distance from me.
  12. MjrNuT

    MjrNuT Grand Master

    I for some reason get the 2 mixed up. I meant to say Amsterdam...doh! Belgium was first and Amsterdam was last.
  13. John

    John Regular Member

    And just what exactly did you do in Amsterdam that got you so confused? ;)
  14. MjrNuT

    MjrNuT Grand Master

    Among the activities was the Heineken brewery, well defunct but still open to show off. :unhunh:
  15. Tom

    Tom Regular Member

    Welcome to AdminAddict. Jump right into the community and add your two cents.

    Cheers from NY!
  16. Tex

    Tex Adept

    Hi Pamela, welcome to AdminAddict!

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